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A little trouble with my new tank

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  • A little trouble with my new tank

    I don't know whether to be concerned about this, so I thought I'd ask about it. I set up my 29 gallon tank about two weeks ago. I used EcoComplete substrate and topped it with the old (dead) gravel that was originally in the used tank I bought. To speed the cycle, I added a bottle of AquaStart and used some Stress Zyme+ and Nutrafin Cycle that I had. I added five veil fin danios to start. After, I added a rock and a handful of similarly colored gravel from an established tank and a small 5 gallon filter that had been running as a booster in another tank for a couple of months. I moved some plants from that same aquarium that were doing poorly, as well, and they've perked up even more than I expected. I've been conditioning the water with a buffer to lower pH and some Black Water Extract that I had in the ten gallon that I'm using the 29 gallon to upgrade. I also add a small amount (less than directed, really) of aquarium salt. I put two large snails in for upkeep. The I'm using a Marineland Penguin 150 Power Filter with a bio wheel and the water is very clear.

    About four or five days ago, I got a false nitrite reading and added my platy as well as a new one. Since then, however, my nitrite tests as zero and the ammonia still rates relatively high. This seems more than a bit extreme considering the actions I've taken to move the process along. The fish seem healthy and happy, but I can't help but be a little worried. Is this experience normal? What am I doing wrong?

    Aside from this, I'd like some input on my plan for once I start seeing some improvement.

    In the beginning, I had planned on moving all of my older fish from the previous tropical tank to the new one. I'm revising my plan, however. First, I'd like to try a dwarf gourami in the new tank. I'm going to give away the two rosey tetras I have. I had planned on giving them a decent school eventually, but they haven't taken to the community as the others have. I want to move my school of von rio tetras to the new tank and add a couple to make eight. Then I'd like a school of 12 neon or cardinal tetras.

    Now I'm not sure about my three guppies and betta. They've been excellent members of the community. Now, I am definitely not going to separate those four because they have all become very close and I know that at least Miyamoto (the betta) would be very depressed about losing his friends. But with my decision to try the dwarf gourami, I'm very hesitant to chance disaster with introducing the betta to it. Is there enough space in the tank that maybe some mutual respect might develop? Miyamoto is very gregarious and a curious explorer, and that might complicate things.

    If it's better to keep them separate, I'd like to put the four of them in a ten gallon with a school of white clouds for one because I'd like to have some white clouds and for another because the four guys are used to a decently sized community. If this is a good idea, I'd really like to purchase an established ten gallon tank if anyone has one they'd like to sell. A stand and some plants would be a plus, but not completely necessary. I've already arranged to get a dwarf puffer in a few weeks for the old tank and don't want to change that plan.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

  • #2
    Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
    About four or five days ago, I got a false nitrite reading and added my platy as well as a new one. Since then, however, my nitrite tests as zero and the ammonia still rates relatively high.
    How do you know it was a false reading?

    Also, have you checked the date on your test kit?
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      I can't find it on the kit, but if I'm reading the lot numbers on the bottles right, they were all bottled at the end of '08 or the beginning of '09.

      And I'm guessing it was a false reading because right before and right after it read zero. I don't recall, but it may have been shortly after adding something(s) from the established tanks and maybe the nitrifiers died off for some reason.
      Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

      You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


      • #4
        that's a lot of fish for a virgin 2-week-old tank


        • #5
          The five danios were suggested to me. I added the platys after the false (or temporary) reading on the nitrite. Was that a bit overeager?
          Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

          You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

