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interesting community tank

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  • interesting community tank

    So when I moved, I had several fish that didn't have a proper home since I rearranged tanks. Needing a place to put the emperor tetras, I dumped 7 emperor tetras in with my dwarf puffer (not sure what kind - not a pea puffer, and it is reddish and green). I wasn't sure they would get along, but so far, so good.

    I then decided that instead of the tank I had set up originally - that I would put my CPD's in an old 5 gallon I picked up at an auction - slate bottomed and trimmed in shiny metal. It looks cool.

    So now I needed a home for the micro rasboras.

    At any rate, my 20 long now hosts a community tank of 7 micro rasbora, 7 Emperor tetras, one honey gourami, 5 o cats, 1 dwarf puffer and a pleco. And it is completely peaceful...not quite sure how that works, since the microrasboras are more than small enough for the puffer to snack on, but hey...I am not complaining.

  • #2
    Cool! Glad to see everything's going well for you.

    Post pictures! :)
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3


      • #4
        Hmm, I can't see it... :(
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

