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I am starting to think that I am cursed.

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  • #16
    What are you feeding the frog? Apparently, you can't feed it normal fish flakes. According to:

    frozen bloodworms are the thing. If you read it, it also talks about other frozen and dried stuff. Good information. Though I haven't kept one and can't give you personal experience.
    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


    • #17
      Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
      FYI, to be technical the term fish"es" maybe used if you are referring to more than one type of fish species. And you mean "manner" not "manor." In common usage the term "manor" is usally referring to the main house or mansion on an estate or plantation.


      Sorry to hear about your dwarf frog. How old is your test kit, and what brand is the kit?

      Inside joke... but, that s*** if too funny!!!!

      Jarrod, stay with it. We all lost fish and even more toward the beginning of our hobby. HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by peterp63 View Post
        Jarrod, stay with it. We all lost fish and even more toward the beginning of our hobby. HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!
        Oh yeah. It's been less than a year that I started this and it has been SO worth the difficulties at the beginning (along with the continuing ones that haven't been as bad).
        Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

        You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


        • #19
          Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
          What are you feeding the frog? Apparently, you can't feed it normal fish flakes. According to:

          frozen bloodworms are the thing. If you read it, it also talks about other frozen and dried stuff. Good information. Though I haven't kept one and can't give you personal experience.
          LFS said shrimp pellets would be ok.
          Jarrod - Houston, Texas
          150 gallon - my African cichlid monster tank (I know it isn't a big as yours)
          17 gallon - Threadfin rainbows and corys lightly planted
          5 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder
          3 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder


          • #20
            That seems to fit with what the link said. Did you see it eat?
            Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

            You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


            • #21
              Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
              That seems to fit with what the link said. Did you see it eat?
              Unlike the others in the tank, the frog never really came running when it was time to eat. The frog also hid a fair amount in the structure.

              Meanwhile, the other were actively chowing down. It is possible he was just always late to dinner I guess.

              I did my best to drop those shrimp pellets right under his nose.
              Jarrod - Houston, Texas
              150 gallon - my African cichlid monster tank (I know it isn't a big as yours)
              17 gallon - Threadfin rainbows and corys lightly planted
              5 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder
              3 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder


              • #22
                Originally posted by jarrodaden View Post
                Unlike the others in the tank, the frog never really came running when it was time to eat. The frog also hid a fair amount in the structure.

                Meanwhile, the other were actively chowing down. It is possible he was just always late to dinner I guess.

                I did my best to drop those shrimp pellets right under his nose.
                Those frogs, in my opinion, can be either one way or the other. Either they will live forever...or die shortly. I have had 4 of them in my spell of the hobby. 3 of them died within 2 months of me having them..the other one, seemed I could try to kill, an it would just go right along with everything I did just fine.

                You say you were given the tank...? Any possibility it had been resealed with the wrong this could cause deaths, but I would think the tetras would die off first.

                maybe you were feeding too much, an had a waste food issue. I have overfed fish an fouled their water badly before..I think we all have.

                If you need another pleco, I would be happy to furnish you with one. I have quite a few little brown bristle noses that need homes.
                BEWARE Guard GUPPIES On Duty!


                • #23
                  It could be that he was uninterested in the shrimp pellets. Even something that usually works doesn't always. Maybe if you try again, you could try other foods if the shrimp pellets don't work (go ahead and give them a try first - if they suggested it, they probably have reason). I've learned that I always have to make sure someone's eating. There's always someone who just seems to sit around when everyone else is eating. I noticed this with a dwarf gourami and started adjusting where I dropped the food so he'd get some unmolested.
                  Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                  You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lilmissruffcountry View Post
                    If you need another pleco, I would be happy to furnish you with one. I have quite a few little brown bristle noses that need homes.
                    Thank you, but I really want to try the albino again.
                    Jarrod - Houston, Texas
                    150 gallon - my African cichlid monster tank (I know it isn't a big as yours)
                    17 gallon - Threadfin rainbows and corys lightly planted
                    5 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder
                    3 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by imagirlgeek View Post
                      Nitrates were also 0? A cycled tank should show some Nitrates.
                      If I understand the water cycle correctly, a tank that has been occupied for a couple weeks that was not cycled would have high ammonia because there are no bacteria.

                      Do I have my facts straight here?
                      Jarrod - Houston, Texas
                      150 gallon - my African cichlid monster tank (I know it isn't a big as yours)
                      17 gallon - Threadfin rainbows and corys lightly planted
                      5 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder
                      3 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jarrodaden View Post
                        If I understand the water cycle correctly, a tank that has been occupied for a couple weeks that was not cycled would have high ammonia because there are no bacteria.

                        Do I have my facts straight here?

                        Yes. That's right. It goes...

                        Food --> Fish --> Ammonia --> Nitrite --> Nitrate (then water change to remove some nitrates)

                        I noticed that later in the thread you said that your Nitrate was showing a reading...a low reading, but a reading. That is good. I figured that you've cycled and then done your water changes, so you've kept your nitrate levels low. Once your tank gets older, your Nitrate reads will be higher. It's just the nature of the beast. New tank, low nitrates. Old tank, higher nitrates.
                        Our Fishhouse
                        Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

