Then I reiterate, increase your cardinal and rummy schools.
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Need a suggestion for a "show" fish
300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank
I don't understand how a large school of cardinals or rummys does not help with a show fish. A large tight school of most tetras can dominate most "show" fishes IMO.
What is your definition of show fish? Does it have to be some single fish that stands out from the rest of the group? It is some really immaculate fish that no one ever sees very often? I could suggest a shoal of adolfi cories too (shoal meaning 15-20 NOT 5 or 6).300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank
Pearl Gourami - 4" peaceful, reagal, shinny)
'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'
If you haven't decided, you may have seen my recent question about paradise gouramis. I must admit that having seen pictures of them, I'm entranced. Still researching, though.
I actually have two male dwarf gouramis in the same tank (29 gallon). One is a honey dwarf, which is really pretty and, from what I understand, stays smaller and is more peaceful than other dwarfs. On the other hand, the powder blue is full size and still very peaceful. To be honest, though, as much as I like him, I don't care for his color. And despite the color, he looks like Admiral Ackbar, which I find disturbing.Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!
You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.