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Need a suggestion for a "show" fish

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  • Need a suggestion for a "show" fish

    I'm looking for something besides discus and angels that could be a "show" fish in my tank. The tank currently has cardinals, rummynose, bristlenose, a few loaches and catfish.

  • #2
    I make people happy


    • #3
      Oh sure, make me use google......thanks for the suggestion!


      • #4
        Wouldn't Geo's mess with the plants? This is a planted tank, right Karen?
        Our Fishhouse
        Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


        • #5
          There are some plants in there and I've read they might eat small fish and my dwarf cories wouldn't like that. I need something peaceful if anyone has an idea :)

          Traci, the puffer still has ich. I can't seem to kick it, but he's swimming fine and eating like a pig. Different tank than the tetra tank for those who might wonder.


          • #6
            Roseline Shark


            • #7
              This is a great question.

              I've struggled with this for years.

              I've tried a little of everything.

              i've got some madagasgar rainbows and a pair of Irian Rainbows in with my neons, von rio tetras and plants and they are working out really well.

              Roseline barbs came very very close to filling the requirement.

              Looking foward to responses to this one.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Originally posted by thekarens View Post
                  Traci, the puffer still has ich. I can't seem to kick it, but he's swimming fine and eating like a pig.
                  I may just have to trade you a few of my puffers for yours with ich. That must be a pretty strong strain. I could move him between hospital tanks so that during the phase where the ich is free-swimming, I move him to a 'clean' tank, wait for another ich cycle, move him again, wait for another ich cycle, move him again, and on and on until he's free of it.

                  Just a thought....
                  Our Fishhouse
                  Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                  • #10
                    I'd be happy to let you borrow my ich ridden puffer :) Let me know when and I'll bring him over.

                    PS........I do have one beautiful make golden ram (forgot about him)


                    • #11
                      What is ich? This is the second time I saw that mentioned today.
                      Jarrod - Houston, Texas
                      150 gallon - my African cichlid monster tank (I know it isn't a big as yours)
                      17 gallon - Threadfin rainbows and corys lightly planted
                      5 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder
                      3 gallon - planted red cherry shrimp breeder


                      • #12
                        well my altifrons are pretty docile...they are one of the more less aggressive cichlids....i just think they are gorgeous fish...
                        I make people happy


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jarrodaden View Post
                          What is ich? This is the second time I saw that mentioned today.
                          its a parasite that is in the water and it attaches to your fish in the form of small white specks...i just went through it recently
                          I make people happy


                          • #14
                            Consider not going with a large fish, but a large fish will make your others school more. Increase the size of the schools that you currently have in the tank. Also, as I scanned, I did not see mention of what size tank you have. Although I'm planning to put some leopoldi angels in my new 215, so far with just 35 rummys, 40 hatchets, and 19 cories - it looks really nice. I can't wait to increase the rummy count to 50 and then add about 150 cardinals and some pencilfish.
                            300+RR (8-10 ft x 30"x30") - Waiting to find it... Lake Tanganyikan
                            225RR (72"x24"Wx29"H) DSA - Lake Tanganyikan WC Murago
                            210RR (60"x24"Wx32"H) AGE - Lake Tanganyikan WC IN PROGRESS
                            160RR 1/2 cylinder (60"x30"Wx30"H) AGE - Altum Biotope IN PROGRESS
                            90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Rio Meta Biotope
                            90RR (36"x24"Wx25"H) NEO DSA - Lake Valencia Biotope
                            2x46 Bowfront- Q/Holding Tank


                            • #15
                              I never said "large" just "show". Angels eat my cardinals and I don't want to do discus. I have a ram. Had 4 at one time, but the one male killed off the other male and I'm not convinced that he didn't kill the two females as well.

                              In the end I may just end up with a bunch of tetras. There's worse things as I love my cardinals and rummynose.

