what happened to all the godzilla avatars nick?
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The fish I really want is __________.
my perfect tank would be a 300g and i would stock it with like 15 or 20 benthochromis tricoti, 3 calvus (white, black, yellow), 10 or 15 cyprichromis "blue flash", and about 5 firecracker leleupi. This would be my "perfect" tank.
If i had to pick just one type of fish, i'd have to go with a large colony of Moba Frontosa.If it ain't wild caught
You ain't doing it right
Carcharhinus perezi, a big @$$ reef tank with one of these bad boys. If it has to be fresh then the Emperor Cichlid
Originally posted by peterp63 View Postreally dude.... a shark???
btw, you got the tank for emperor cichlids.... for a couple years anyways....
Perhaps even a shark with lazers?
Maybe a bala with a lazer pointer tied on.Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!
You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.
Hey I breed scarlet badis (dario dario) should have new fry in about a month. Plus some badis badis with the bluer color.Life's to short to worry and too long to wait
Its too short not to love everybody, and Life's too long to hate