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  • Substrate

    Put a bag of activ-flora the one thats a fine grade natural color was wondering if anybodys used it and how long it took 2 settle and if i should run the filter or just let it sit still?The tank looks like its never going to clear up and settle.Plz give me an idea how long b4 it clears up bcuse my fishies are waiting to get into there new home.thnks

  • #2
    I've never used Activ-Flora. Actually, I just had to google it. It doesn't look like it would make the water too cloudy, though.

    Is this a newly set up tank?

    I would leave the filter on.

    When did you add this substrate? How cloudy is the water? Could you take a picture? Usually cloudy water isn't a problem for fishes.
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      You could always buy the chemical the name escapes me at the moment. But the polymers attract the particles and causes them to fall to the floor and speeds up the time.
      Resident fish bum
      330G FOWLR
      34G Reef
      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
      Treasurer, GHAC


      • #4
        Seachem clarity works for me. Will increase cloudiness a few hours, but leaves it crystal clear.


        • #5
          Thats the one thanks
          Resident fish bum
          330G FOWLR
          34G Reef
          330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
          28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
          Treasurer, GHAC


          • #6
            Just got home and still not clear has a film on the substrate now and looks like koolaid or something thats not mixed good has chunks floating everywhere in the water.Its so cloudy that i can only see about an inch into tank.i put 2 power heads and another filter to mix the stuff up maybe that will help.The substrate comes with liquid in the bag like crushed coral and says instant cycle and has live heterotropic bacteria in it


            • #7
              ide try a large water change and refill the tank. Keep both filters on. and hope for the best.


              • #8
                Tried chemicals think thats what clumped it up.Doing water change now.Has anybody used it b4?I guess trying new stuff is how you learn if it works or not


                • #9
                  Well after 4 water changes got it 2 clear up.Cant say how much everybody has helped me on getting all my tanks up and running.This is an awsome group of people on here.2,10,28bow 55 and now29 up and running.THANKS YALL

