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Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

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  • Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

    OK, I've only had these guys a few hours and I'm in love! They're all swimming around together in the qt tank. They all ate a little bit of frozen bloodworms - YUM! I hope they do well! I've got my fingers crossed since they *did* come from a petstore... I found them surprisingly easy to photograph, in spite of their size!


  • #2
    Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!


    did you get them from fish ranch? i notice some were not in the best shape there. after a few days they get use to you and will meet you at the front glass when you walk up to it and will follow you around like a dog!

    hope you didnt buy all the good ones, i didnt make it out today but hopefully will sunday.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

      LOL - nope - I'm in College Station... I got them at the PetSmart here - I hear they breed them.



      • #4
        Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

        well im good then  

        those look really healthy! congrats
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

          our petsmart just got a few more in.

          Go by PS again and have them pull out a few pond snails. you don't know cute till you've seen a tiny puffer hunt a snail.
          "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


          • #6
            Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

            How much are the puffers at your woodland store?


            • #7
              Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

              What size tank are they in?  I have two in a three gallon (I think the recomendation is one per three gallons.)  They've been doing fine but do nip at one another and chase each other around the tank a lot.  Almost like they're playing hide and seek.  It can actually be fairly amusing to watch but might turn out to be a probem when they get bigger.  If you're looking for tank mates, I have an African Dwarf Frog in there as well.  They basically ignore the frog.  All three LOVE frozen bloodworms.


              • #8
                Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                I have them in a 20 for qt right now. I'm going to put them all into my heavily (funky plastic) planted 10 gallon if they pass the qt period. I have plenty of "extra" tanks if they need to be seperated as they grow! So far, so good!



                • #9
                  Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                  they are under $3 i think
                  "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                  • #10
                    Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                    Ok im going to get myself some this weekend. I'll check with the Humble store first but they havent had any recently, if they still dont have them i'll pop over to the woodlands.
                    GT3GURU: Ive been in the store several times and didnt want to ask whos the one that plays GT3, you'll have to post a picture so we'll know who to look out for.


                    • #11
                      Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                      Now Ellen, must you gloat  :bsjoke: .  

                      They look sooooo cute  

                      If I should, or should I say, when I get some dwarf puffers what other fish could I put in with them.  I know I have a ample supply  (unwanted) of MTS's in my 75 so they certainly would not be underfed.
                      Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                      • #12
                        Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                        i read that mts is a no go for puffers, the shell is too hard for them to crunch and they have trapdoors.

                        i have mine with two juvi male guppies and they dont bother them not one bit and before that they were in my red cherry shrimp tank.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                          How about if I crush the MTS's, or would that foul the water.  I've just been gathering them and tossing them in the trash.  Having Discus I always have bloodworms available.  I'll do some reading up on the puffer site someone posted.
                          Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                          • #14
                            Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!


                            some good ones i have run into, i think that by crushing them you take the fun out of feeding them snails. :wink:  also dont think they will hunt a dead snail either.
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #15
                              Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                              I got mine for $2.79 each in College Station - don't know how well the prices carry over in the different 'regions'.

                              I think they're adorable, they're still doing well. I've read that they'll eventually tear the fins off any other fish. I think was the one I found most helpful.

                              If I got all boys or all girls (knowing my luck!) I think they're be plenty of people to trade with! It seems those little faces are contagious!


