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Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

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  • #16
    Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

    They have them at the Petsmart on Kirby near the Reliant Stadium for under 3 bucks too.
    58G Malawis
    10G planted


    • #17
      Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

      My husband went nuts when he saw the dwarf puffers, but I stopped him until we know more about them. I don't think they will go well in my tank. But they are so cute!  


      • #18
        Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

        Originally posted by daisymac";p="
        My husband went nuts when he saw the dwarf puffers, but I stopped him until we know more about them. I don't think they will go well in my tank. But they are so cute!
        Sounds like a good time to suggest another tank. It could be a small one,  or not  
        Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


        • #19
          Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

          I was thinking the same thing, szidlon!

          How are they doing, Ellen? They look great!
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #20
            Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

            Originally posted by szidlon";p="
            Originally posted by daisymac";p="
            My husband went nuts when he saw the dwarf puffers, but I stopped him until we know more about them. I don't think they will go well in my tank. But they are so cute!
            Sounds like a good time to suggest another tank. It could be a small one,  or not  
            Yeah, szid & mzungu - I hope one of you has a spare room, because I definitely would be tossed out if I got another tank! But sure do like those little puffers!

            Ellen - more pictures please!  :)


            • #21
              Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

              They're doing great! They've stopped schooling like they did in the beginning since they've gotten used to their tank. They are little beggars when they see the turkey baster (aka bloodworm feeder). They seem to enjoy swimming around and relaxing in the plastic plants I threw in the qt to provide some cover for them. Here's a couple pics I took just for you when I fed them a few minutes ago!



              • #22
                Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                Thanks Ellen! They are adorable. Tell them "Aunt Daisy" says hello, because I think this is as close to having some of them as I'm going to get!  :mrgreen:


                • #23
                  Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                  Don't say that...maybe one day you can sneak in a 10 gallon and have a couple, esp. if your hubby likes them so much! Maybe on a kitchen counter.....



                  • #24
                    Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                    i think its cute seeing them hunt the dead bloodworms  
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #25
                      Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                      Just thought i'd post my favorite dwarf puffer pic.

                      "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                      • #26
                        Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                        i like that picture too gt3guru! gives that dp lots of spunk in that picture!
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #27
                          Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                          Too cute, both of you! Thanks for sharing!  :)
                          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                          • #28
                            Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                            Today I 'harvested' some mosquito larvae and the puffers really seemed to enjoy hunting down the swimming food! It's been 6 days and they're all doing very well. They're all eating and still appear to be healthy. I'm very happy with this purchase!



                            • #29
                              Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                              so what tank will they be going in?
                              700g Mini-Monster tank


                              • #30
                                Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                                Well, qt will last at least 7 more weeks, but after that they'll be going in my 10 gallon funky tank - you know, orange gravel, neon colored plants, fake corals etc.   It's pretty filled up with plants and decorations, so I hope they can get along in it. If there are issues, I guess I'll have to set up another tank or two... To be honest, I really didn't expect them all to survive...


