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Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

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  • #31
    Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

    Haha Ellen, my pufferfish is in a funky tank too.  It's my daughter's pink and purple tank.  Have you tried bloodworms or brineshrimp?  Mine loved them.  He also likes krill but not as much.
    58G Malawis
    10G planted


    • #32
      Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

      Today was the first time they've gotten anything besides frozen bloodworms. I don't have brine shrimp right now, but when I do, they'll sure get some!



      • #33
        Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

        I wish I could try mosquito larvae but they spray here everynight and I wouldn't want to hurt my fishies.
        58G Malawis
        10G planted


        • #34
          Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

          My DP's hadnt eaten (that ive seen) anything since i got them home. I read online that they are picky and will wait several days before eating in a new tank.
          I went ahead and bought some baby brine shrimp eggs and after hatching fed them to the DP's. They shot round like little vacuum cleaners sucking them up. Do DP's not eat flake food? I also tried bloodworms but they wont sink and the puffers wont come to the surface.
          I got a lot of snails now (Thanks to Petsmart Woodlands - Curtis i came in today and you were too busy i didnt get to meet you,) so im hoping they have lots of babys. I placed some of the smaller ones in with the puffers, but no stalking action yet.

          I also found out that putting an airstone on the airline into the brineshrimp is a very stupid idea as you cant release the shrimp through the tube.


          • #35
            Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

            Curtis is the specialty manager, you didn't want to talk to him anyway.
            "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


            • #36
              Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

              Why did i think your name was Curtis?


              • #37
                Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                Not sure. Who did you speak with today?
                I think Nichole was the opener.
                "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                • #38
                  Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                  Yes, Nichole was the lady that got me the snails.
                  I got Curtis from the post about your Lesco manager friend. It must have stuck in my head and ......

                  What a coincidende someone works there named Curtis, it could have been awkward saying hello and introducing myself off the fishbox.


                  • #39
                    Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                    haha. thats right. curtis from lesco could have been it.

                    I'm glad nichole was helpfull.  Shes new, but more plesant than most.
                    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                    • #40
                      Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                      She was very helpful, and what she didnt know she found out.

                      Sorry for Hijacking the thread Ellen..


                      • #41
                        Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                        I think that you'll have to train them to eat flake food. I don't think they take well to it. I've been feeding mine frozen bloodworms and mosquito larvae. Mine are already used to eating from the turkey baster, so I might be able to trick them into eating some flake from it. I doubt it though, they seem too smart for that!



                        • #42
                          Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                          i got mine eating frozen bloodworms from my fingertips, it takes time for the to get use to you and eventually they will come to recognize you when you walk up to the tank.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #43
                            Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                            I tried mosquito larva yesterday and my puffer loved it.  I bought it frozen and I can't tell you how silly I felt paying for it when I'm sure millions of people would pay NOT to have it.  They like it and that's all that matters.  I think the only food I've heard they may eat other than live/frozen is shrimp pellets, although I haven't tried this.  I haven't actually seen mine eat snails but I can't find any in the tank so I assume he must have.  
                            Does anyone know if you can house two GSP together?  I would assume so since they are housed together at the LFS.
                            58G Malawis
                            10G planted


                            • #44
                              Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                              alot of puffers get more aggressive as they age. the young ones in the store may just be stressed and non territorial.
                              "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                              • #45
                                Re: Ellen's new Dwarf Puffers!

                                Good point gt3guru!  I knew I only got one for a reason.  My little puffer attacked my pleco I put in there and ate off some of his tail.  The dumb pleco just sat there until I rescued him and moved him to another tank.   :)
                                58G Malawis
                                10G planted

