I got my new tank up and running over the weekend after a few minor setbacks. Â It's a 58 gallon and lucky for me it has to be cycled because I still can't decide what I want to put in it. Â Every day I decide on a new way to go and then keep second guessing myself. Â It's my first new tank in years so I want to do it right. Â I used play sand as the substrate and although I thought I rinsed it well it took about 12 hours to settle down. Â The fog made it hard to place the rocks and plants in since I couldn't see what I was doing. Â Once the fog had cleared a bit I rearranged everything to my liking. Â Now I want to rip up all my other tanks and put in sand! Â It looks so nice and natural. Â I'll put pics up later.
No announcement yet.
My new tank
Re: My new tank
Here's a shot of my new tank. Â It has two fake plants from one of my other tanks to aid in the cycling. Â I'll take those out once the tank is stable. Â The others are real, my first attempt. Â The tank is one of those 58 tall tanks. Â It's 36" long.58G Malawis
10G planted
Re: My new tank
eklikewhoa-I hope I have better luck with it. Â It was hard work putting it in since you can't just dump it in (learned that the hard way-SPLASH). Â If I decide to convert my others to sand I'll try to find some of the pool sand.
szidlon-Well, I really like severums but several people have told me they will destroy my plants. Â I spent a lot of money on them so I'd like them to stay in there. Â I could always buy a small tank and make a planted tank but my husband may think I'm nuts already with the 4 we have in our tiny apartment. Â I also like the eartheaters but they may dig up my plants too. Â (and kick up sand). Â I was also considering discus but I think they may be out of my price range. Â I am also considering angels (thanks Ellen!) but haven't decided if they are the way I want to go. Â Sorry to give you such a lengthy response. Â When I decided to get a new tank I didn't realize how hard it would be to pick fish.
Basically, here's what I want: Â Fish that won't destroy plants (the occassional nibbling or uprooting is fine), thrive in 58 gallon, and some interaction. Â What I mean by the last one is I want a fish that realizes I'm out here. Â I like fish that come to the front of the tank when I walk by or feed them. Â If anyone can suggest a fish that fits that criteria that I haven't thought of let me know. Â I have until my tank is cycled to decide. Â I will be able to upgrade to a larger tank in about two years so that does make my options a little greater.58G Malawis
10G planted
Re: My new tank
ANGELS! ÂÂ They're the way to go. That tank is very nice, I think only one thing could make it better....
If you want discus, there are people on here who breed them and will almost definately get you a better price than what you'd pay in-store.
Maybe if you put up a want to buy ad on that board with your price range, then somebody'd be able to helpyou out.
Re: My new tank
Ellen-I am leaning towards angels as of right now. Â Let me ask you a question. Â Do they do better in a species tank or with other tankmates? Â I checked out the website you suggested and it was great.58G Malawis
10G planted
Re: My new tank
Angels will definately know you're there, they seem to have endless appetites. There are also people here that breed Angels so when you decide what you want you could post a wanted ad in the Fish Market.
I also have some Cardinal Tetras in with mine and two German Blue Rams.
Of course my Discus also follow my every move looking for a handhout. Â I'm with Ellen on the Angels to start with. Â You can always get more tanks and then have your Discus.Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...
Re: My new tank
Hello, CONGRATS on your new tank. It's always exciting setting it up! I have 6 lg angels in a 90gal with long fin rosys,corys,synodontis catfish and german rams. The angels do fine with everyone, but I did have neons at one time, unfortunaetly they disappeared one at a time untill I took them out. Angels can open their mouths fairly wide. I love keeping angels. the only fish that angels seem to have a problem with is other angels, but that is natural. have fun!!
Re: My new tank
get something different - no angels, try something like keyhole cichlids, or cryptoheros - they only tear things up if they mating. or plecos- fancy ones.Plecos:
L083 (Gibby)
L104 (Clown)
L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
L155 (A. Hystrix)
L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
LDA72 (BN)
LDA76 (False Zebra)
Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
Rineloricaria lancelota
Re: My new tank
Armadillo_Del_Rio-that's kind of what my other tank is like. Â I had wanted to add a keyhole cichlid in there but I couldn't find one. Â Do you know where to get one? Â I've been back and forth on convicts. Â I don't know what I'd do with all the fry. Â I hear they breed like no other. Â Right now I'm using it as a grow out tank so when we move next year I'll have some nice sized ones for our new tanks we will be purchasing. Â In there I have a juv gt, a brown knife, a juv leporinus, and some dithers. Â We have a green severum in QT and plan on getting another red severum. Â If I can find a keyhole that would be nice. Â
For the new tank I'm getting angels. Â I have been looking at killifish as well. Â I was thinking a few rams would be nice too. Â I still haven't put anything other than the fish I've used to cycle the tank in there. Â I put flame tetras in there to cycle the tank. Â They don't school very well like I thought they would.58G Malawis
10G planted