So far this is what I have come up with:
1 pair of rams (GBR or Goldens)
3 ottos (I have 2 already)
x amount of rummynose tetras(they are my favorite, not sure on a good number, but Im thinking 12 or so?)
1 pair of dwarf plecos (unknown species, need opinions)
3-5 cory cats. (Unknown species, probably emeralds or albinos)
maybe 1-2 dwarf gouramis...i unno on that one yet
Id really like to have some yellow, CrystalRS, Cherry, or Snowball shrimp as well. (only 1 species)
Green are things i KNOW i want/will get, purple are things I dont know about compatability, and red im kinda "meh' about. Chances are slim I will go through with those. I might just get 1 BNPleco. Im thinkin of focussing more on corys as I like the lil buggers.
I will have the tank heavily planted before I start introducing more fish. I will prolly add another otto next, cause I realized they prefer a school instead of 1-2 right after I put them in the tank. /facepalm
but lemme know what ya think. more? less? diff things? :biggrin:
edit: OH and I forgot....the guy on Aquabid says these arent tattooed or dyed, but I have never seen one like this before. On his site he has green and red ones so I wanna just make sure cause I think the Orange one listed is VERY pretty!
1 pair of rams (GBR or Goldens)
3 ottos (I have 2 already)
x amount of rummynose tetras(they are my favorite, not sure on a good number, but Im thinking 12 or so?)
1 pair of dwarf plecos (unknown species, need opinions)
3-5 cory cats. (Unknown species, probably emeralds or albinos)
maybe 1-2 dwarf gouramis...i unno on that one yet
Id really like to have some yellow, CrystalRS, Cherry, or Snowball shrimp as well. (only 1 species)
Green are things i KNOW i want/will get, purple are things I dont know about compatability, and red im kinda "meh' about. Chances are slim I will go through with those. I might just get 1 BNPleco. Im thinkin of focussing more on corys as I like the lil buggers.
I will have the tank heavily planted before I start introducing more fish. I will prolly add another otto next, cause I realized they prefer a school instead of 1-2 right after I put them in the tank. /facepalm
but lemme know what ya think. more? less? diff things? :biggrin:
edit: OH and I forgot....the guy on Aquabid says these arent tattooed or dyed, but I have never seen one like this before. On his site he has green and red ones so I wanna just make sure cause I think the Orange one listed is VERY pretty!