CF and I were moving one of the 55 gallon tanks to make room to set up the cherry oceanic 135 in the living room and we were catching fish for the move. A while back we had purchased about 4 kuhli loaches from Dustin at HAW and had placed them in this particular tank. Any way now and then we would see them playing around in the bottom of the tank. but tonight when we were catching fishies we counted 6 kuhli's instead of 4. it seems that we have 2 babies in there. now i read on the net about breeding kuhli's and they say it's supposed to be hard to do and success of it would surely mean you have bragging rights that you accomplished it. well, i don't think we need to brag about it, but we were pleasantly surprised to see we have breeding kuhli's ....and the 2 babies are so cute.....if they didn't move so fast we could've gotten a picture, but they are fast little boogers....just thought i'd share our excitement.....
thanks for reading...
FL and CF.....
thanks for reading...
FL and CF.....