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My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

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  • My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

    Yo yo loach (x2)

    Dwarf Gourami

    ADF and cory cat(x2)

    Pearl Gourami

    Dojo loach

    ghost shrimp and MTS

    Sunberst platty (x2)

    Plant and guppies(x5)

    Kuhli loach

  • #2
    Re: My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

    Cool! My albino cories have been laying eggs recently but so far they have all fuzzed over and died. My paleatus eggs hatched and I have a buncha little C. paleatus. Do you ever get any cory eggs?  



    • #3
      Re: My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

      Well I will try and post some pics later, but i have about 11 fry of of something...the gourami was eating them all so I only got 11 in a breeder, still cant tell what they are, but  I will try and get pics up later.


      • #4
        Re: My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

        I guess you can guess from my handle who I am rooting for LOL.



        • #5
          Re: My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

          I can't get a good shot, they are too small and move too much.  I think they have to be either guppies, or some feeder rosey reds I had in there for a few weeks.


          • #6
            Re: My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

            Thanks for sharing! Love your collection of fish.  :) How do you like the kuhli loach? Does it burrow at all?

            What color are the fry, if anything?
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #7
              Re: My 29 gallon community inhabitants.

              The kuhli loach doesnt burrow at all, but does hide in the caves and plants...there is a zig zag eel in hte tank that burows...hence no picture.  The fry are a neutral color...just very plain clearish so far...about 3 or 4 weeks old I think.

