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Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem though..

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  • Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem though..

    Hey im new to the club here but unfortunetly im not lucky like all you folk and live in texas... im way up north in South Western BC Canada.  Im trying to find that Texan hiden gem... holey rock.  Im loking for a place where i can find it up here.  

    or relativly close to here.

    I'm willing to cross the boarder(might be harder now with the whole passport thing now a days) and travel a few hours if this place has some selection.  I've found some fish stores that carry it but by the time it gets way up here and gets divied out to different fish stores, usually the fish store it ends up in grabs the best one for their tanks and trades out old ones or there isnt anything good to begin with if any.  Does anyone know of a place that might sell it wholesale or at least have a bigger selection? I've looked at and called any landscape place i can think of, and a few acual stone places, and every time i discribe it and call it any of the 3 names I've found scouring the net and forums (Texas holey rock, honeycomb limestone, south western limestone) they look at you oddly and ask where i got those names ... then proceed to say "ohhhh its a name from the internet .. thats probably just what one or 2 people call it."  multiple places have said that much ...

    Does anyone know of a place outside of texas to get this stuff? or better yet anywhere at all in western canada???

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Beyond Stone boundaries lies the Heart of every carving and a
    Spirit just waiting... to be Released

  • #2
    Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

    Have you checked ebay? there is a guy on there selling some really nice holey rock, just see if he ships to canada.

    Like the aussies you will be paying much more than we texans do but it all boils down to how bad you want it.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

      Howdy Adam,

      Are you using it for decoration or houses for your fish.  If apartments what size holes do you need or what type of fish?
      I only have a couple small pieces that are pretty good and hope to make it to the hill country over the next month to see if I can find some more.  I don't have any idea what it would cost to send the rocks ground US mail, please send me your zipcode and I will check to see if it won't break the bank.  Do you have any cool native to Canada drift would that you could exchange?

      I grew up near Niagara Falls and we crossed the border often.  My mother said they (not sure if it is USA or Canada)  are trying to fight the passport regulations if you are driving across the border because it will effect the economy for those who live on the border.  later, ken


      • #4
        Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

        You might make your own with concrete or fiberglas. Municipal and some large private tanks use the fiberglas to make coral that looks good. Concrete gets very heavy very fast ,even with the styrene foam pellets in it.
        Alberta has a lot of sedimentary rock. You could try looking up "vuggy limestone" on geology or landscape sites on the net.


        • #5
          Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

          thanks for the quick replies.  im look for a few pieces right now for a base for a carving.  want to carve a Wolf eel as its swimming around the piece of holey rock.  so size im looking for is probably 2' x 1' x 1' ... i know its pretty good sized but i need the stability to support the weight of the eel.  bottoms don't need to be cut ... i think i can manage to cut that my self ... i got a grinder with a dimond blade on it that i think i could hack off what i dont need then true it up so it sits level.  

          as for drift wood ... yah i can get boat loads of that thats for sure ... salt water or fresh water.  i have a bunch of both at the moment .  mostly alot of odd twisted stuff a little with toredo worm holes in it ... not much though .. that stuff is alot harder to come accross... when ever i head out to the beach im always dragging stuff back that "speaks" to me so i have a fairly good supply right now .. and i know of a lake right now that apparently is just full of it.  need to get up there before they burn it up to get rid of it. but id love to work some sorta deal with the drift wood if your interested.  let me know what your looking for and i can go hunting and i can also send some picks of what i have

          Beyond Stone boundaries lies the Heart of every carving and a
          Spirit just waiting... to be Released


          • #6
            Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

            oh this is my postal code V2V 5V5... i also know of a company just across the boarder that it could be mailed to called "Ship Happens" in sumas washinton... but i believe i would need a passport to cross now to get there.  will have to look into that

            Beyond Stone boundaries lies the Heart of every carving and a
            Spirit just waiting... to be Released


            • #7
              Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

              Good morning Adam,

              My holey rocks are much smaller but will be on the lookout, maybe I can find something for you at the end of March becasue they are planning a trip to collect some.  I think I know now what you are looking for when you mentioned eels.  I was in Dallas last weekend and there was a couple of really nice pieces of holey rock and the eels were all wraped up in the holes; there must have been 3-4 eels on the one rock just hanging out.  Would the holes need to be 2-4"?  The size rocks you are talking about might weigh 30-50 pounds.  I will see what the postoffice says about price for shipping.

              I might be interested in some really neat pieces of drift wood that are under 2' size that is twisted or has bigger holes in it or hollow under it.  Mainly homes for dwarf plecos or kribes.    Later, ken


              • #8
                Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                A 2' X 1' X 1' chunk of vuggy limestone will weigh at least 250 lb (Americam pounds, don't know Canadien pounds). If it has more "hole" than stone it might get down to 150 lb. I wouldn't want to pay for "overnight mail".


                • #9
                  Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou



                  • #10
                    Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                    yah more than likely im gona have to buy from ebay ... at least i can see what im paying for on ebay ... i want a peice like jaclin's  :wink: im jelous, that is an incredible piece... well worth the money she paid for it i think.   If you happen to read this Jaclin wana sell? :wink:  does anyone know how big her piece was?

                    Beyond Stone boundaries lies the Heart of every carving and a
                    Spirit just waiting... to be Released


                    • #11
                      Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                      She was recently selling her piece, it's probably long gone.



                      • #12
                        Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                        It was like $125 I think.  



                        • #13
                          Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                          yeah that piece was crazy. thrproblem with a piece that large is collecting it . that much weight isnt easy to move around and usually isnt just sitting out for you to grab. when we went on that trip we tried to get a few out of the ground but it was way too hard to mess with. luckily there were so many already collected for us that we had plenty to go through.
                          Never fear I is here
                          David Abeles
                          Vice President
                          Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                          • #14
                            Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                            aww she was selling it ?? how long ago was that??? nut! im sure i missed it ... i would have bought that no question about it ... the shipping would have been nuts but i think it would have been worth it ... yah i was looking at the holy rock trip your guys are planning and wishing i could go myself (except for the comute  :wink: ) but the one thing i was wondering about was theyprobably wouldnt let me because i make my carvings to sell ... so technically they might look at it like i was profiting from the holy rock ... i mean its not like im gona get a rock from that trip and turn around and sell just the rock .. but i kinda figure they might look at it differently so i kinda ruled out that idea.
                            Beyond Stone boundaries lies the Heart of every carving and a
                            Spirit just waiting... to be Released


                            • #15
                              Re: Holey Rock ... looking for it ... one small problem thou

                              i went to a fishstore the other day thats about a hour from where i live and figured if any place had THR this would be it ... they had what they called honeycomb rock (THR but really crappy pieces) and had no idea what texas holey rock was ... they get their "honeycomb rock" in every 2 months and there isn't much there for selection.  kinda suprising concidering the size.  This was a immence fish store ... they have a 2,000 gal tank with 3 white tipped reef sharks, a grouper, and a giant moray eel in it ... pretty damn kewl also about a 1,000 gallon tank with 2 large stingrays in it, a 1 foot one and a 2 foot wide one.   its an impressive shop.  they do "Feeding frenzy" a free show for the kids every tuesday at 7pm where they feed the sharks, eel and grouper.  apparently it can get a little wet I think im gona go and take some pics sometime when they are feeding ... be an incredible opertunity to get some REAL close up shots of the sharks for one of my carvings.

                              i thought it was a little odd when i walked into the store and my glasses instantly fogged up.  figured wow might be a little bigger than yur average store ... and it was  8O  :wink: I love name too ... Big Al's ... apparently there is a newer US store also in florida ... check out their webpages...
                              Beyond Stone boundaries lies the Heart of every carving and a
                              Spirit just waiting... to be Released

