Hello Everyone,
I joined the box a few months back, I had started up a 60 gallon tank and had many questions and a few problems. More than a few people offered help and advice and I wanted to let them know it paid off, and post a couple updated pics.
stocked with:
platies, cardinal neons, oto cats, zebra danios, 1 dwarf gourami, glass shrimp, and red cherry shrimp I got from Duhk. they colored up great, and are hiding in the java moss.
80 watts light, flourish excel, some root tabs, and potassium; not colossal growth but things are filling out and the moss ball is dividing.
I joined the box a few months back, I had started up a 60 gallon tank and had many questions and a few problems. More than a few people offered help and advice and I wanted to let them know it paid off, and post a couple updated pics.
stocked with:
platies, cardinal neons, oto cats, zebra danios, 1 dwarf gourami, glass shrimp, and red cherry shrimp I got from Duhk. they colored up great, and are hiding in the java moss.
80 watts light, flourish excel, some root tabs, and potassium; not colossal growth but things are filling out and the moss ball is dividing.