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Sand vs. Gravel????

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  • Sand vs. Gravel????

    I'm starting a new 100 gallon and I was wondering which would be better...sand or gravel?
    I've heard many arguements for both but I'm needing some experienced opinions. (:

    It's going to be freshwater . (:
    Any/all advice is appreciated.
                                                         Kind Regards,
    Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
    Alexa Rae
    Co-President of CAK

  • #2
    Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

    Sand will compact and become anerobic if piled on thick and not stirred up frequently.....but it keeps the nasty stuff aboat so you can just siphon it up when doing water changes.

    Gravel will not become anerobic but the nasty stuff gets through the crevices and will need to be vacuum frequently to keep the water params at bay.

    It's personal preferrence but I have both and prefer the sand and for cichlids getting sand or fine crushed coral helps buffer the water.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

      Sand give a real natural look to an aquarium.Makes it look like a real river bed. But washing and cleaning it is real messy. But i prefer sand when i have bottom dwellers like corys. A better option would be to use gravel which is about 2-3 mm in size and colored like sand. But its a very personal thing how you want your aquarium to look.
      Checkout my blog AquaMusing


      • #4
        Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

        I am actually going for the more natural look this time around. My aquarium now (for sale) has black and green gravel. The colors are just not my style. I'm leaning towards sand...but it sounds like a hassle. At the same time...I can't stand seeing the poop in the crevices of the gravel. It irks me!!!
        Do you literally have to wash the sand??
        Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
        Alexa Rae
        Co-President of CAK


        • #5
          Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

          No you don't to wash it very often but it will all depend on how you stock it (What kind and size of fish). I would suggest that you go for the gravel that looks like sand . I have used it in my 10 G you can check out how it looks in my album.
          Checkout my blog AquaMusing


          • #6
            Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

            I have used eco-complete cichlid substrate and estes marine sand and didn't really have to clean either.

            The eco-complete comes packed in "live water" so it should not be cleaned so I didn't. Not as clean as I expected but then again I put it in the tank full of water. This sand also buffers the water and such hence the name.  

            The estes sand is inert from what I understand and it was really clean other then tiny prticles that floated off.

            I think if you use an old pillow case it would make it all much easier, just fill the pillow case and run the hose through it. After it's in the tank just stir it up once and a while by running your hand through it and just siphon the top of it to get the poop out no need to take it out to clean.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

              hey thats a good idea, Thanks for the tip.
              Checkout my blog AquaMusing


              • #8
                Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                You can use Pool Filter Sand.

                Its a heavier grit than regular sand.  Doesn't cloud your water if stirred.  It comes prewashed but still needs to be rinsed, just not as much as you would regular sand.

                Its around $9-$10 a 50lb bag at Leslies Pools.  



                • #9
                  Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                  Pool filter sand is a good option!!!!! cheap and works great!
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #10
                    Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                    I use pool filter sand mixed with some puka shell and aragonite.  Makes for a underwater scuba kind of look.  Next few tanks I'm going to try just the pool filter sand.  Nice thing about it is that it's less than 6$ for a 50 lb bag at walmart!  The rinsing was real minimal.  I used a yard cart (happens to be the plastic variety) and water hose - water, stir, tip to drain - repeat bout 10 times and it's superclean.

                    I'm also thinking about a slate bottom.  I may try that soon if I have enough.  Anyone else tried that or have any input regarding potential problems with that?  Advice welcome and appreciated!

                    The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                    Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                      The only Walmart that I know of that sells it is in Atascocita off 1960. Unless they ordered more I took the last of it almost two months ago.

                      Spot, are you gonna use large heavy slate?  You might want to put some egg crate under the sand or at least make the sand about two inches thick.



                      • #12
                        Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                        I have some thinner slate - the flooring variety.  It's soaking outside right now but I'll still scrub and rinse it again before I put it in.  It's grooved on one side so after I see how it looks when wet I'll decide which side to have facing up.  

                        I hadn't planned on putting anything under it.  With a little grinding, it fits almost perfectly widthwise in the tanks I plan on putting it in.   I'm figuring the crays will be able to walk on it and it'll be easier to keep the tank clean.  They don't walk on glass very well at all - it's almost funny to watch them try for a few minutes, then they make me feel horribly guilty about it so I have to put something in for them.  Some pieces are around 1/4" thick, others maybe 1/2" - they vary.
                        The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                        Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                          Glad someone posted this topic. I've been thinking about trying out sand in one of my tanks and see which I like more and would be more work in the cleaning department.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                            I hate sand. Definately do not use the playground sand if you try.
                            And when you think you have the sand clean, wash it again anyway.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sand vs. Gravel????

                              Playground sand sucks
                              700g Mini-Monster tank

