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Fish Store Group Trip...

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  • Fish Store Group Trip...

    Okay Folks-

     I'm new here (semi-new to Houston compared to some on this board- been here only 7 years)- and after reading this forum for the past few days I see a few people have had in mind this same idea...

    My thought is Saturday March 17th we do a small Fish Store tour of Houston- more specifically North/Northwest Houston and end it at the new Village Tropical store: Fish Gallery!

    Yes I know that HLA's auction is on Sunday the 18th- which is part of my reason.  This allows us to visit all of these stores, see where they are located and what's there, and NOT spend ourselves into massive debt because we all plan to do that the next day!  

    Plus on my self-serving side, my wife will be in London on a business trip and this will be the one weekend I can do this easily!  :P    8)  

    Now my thought of a Route --based of this forum's Fish Store Map:

    1. Sunny's Fish and Pets - whenever they open
    2. B B Tropical Fish Pet
    3. Aquatic World
    4. Leo`s Tropical Fish
    5. Aquarium World
    6. Fish Gallery

    Of course this list is up for debate- since some know whether it's worth visiting some of these stores or not-

    Also I was thinking of taking pictures at some of these stores (or at least out front if they won't allow pictures inside) to post here, with a basic review of what each store offers and their hours- but as mentioned in another thread before- not an opinionated store review-

    I don't tread on fish store judgement  (quality, ethics, etc)- I just want to know the facts and leave the rest to each person to decide.

    Plus I think this trip would allow some of us to meet each other before the HAS auction so we have some people we feel can talk to  and hang out with there, especially for the really shy folks on the board. (Reality is I'm not one of shy types- I'm the guy who normally has to make the ice breaker at the functions)

    Anyone interested in this???   (basically I'm doing this Saturday and just thought could make it a group event)

  • #2
    Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

    FYI - Leo's is inside Traders Village.  There will be a $2 parking fee.  His fish selection is limited, but usually has some nice stock and alot of Tanks.  He also does setups, maintenance and moves.

    If you go by, tell him you know me and my wife Belinda.

    If you decide to ever go South, Southwest I would recommend

    T & T Tropical off Hwy 6
    City Pets
    Fish Ranch II



    • #3
      Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

      Hmmm have to think about the Trader's Village one, but probably worth it...  Thanks for the heads up!

      As for Ciy Pets  & FRII  those are my staples!  Usually at them each week!  

      But if this idea works out we'll have to hit the southwest/south side as another excursion.


      • #4
        Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

        Sunny's closed down a few months ago.

        There is also 249 tropical fish on 249 and bammel.
        Ultimate fish on 2920 and I45
        Run down place over there at I45 and 1960
        Inwood fish on antoine

        I have been to almost all of them and my favorites are......

        Fish Ranch II
        City Pets
        249 Tropical fish
        Ultimate fish
        Village Tropical/Fish Gallery

        In no specific order.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

          Well if you going to do Traders Vilgae, u should do FishRFun on Eldridge and 529....

          My other hobby?Vroom![b]


          • #6
            Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

            I was going to do something like that myself!  I'm planning a Friday "fish store tour" since that's the one day i'm off work and my significant other is at work.  I also miss so much of that lovely Saturday shopper traffic too.  The most important part is I can get any new acquisitions home and in a tank without any uhm, questions  .  

            ("Oh that one honey?  I got him(her) a while back - don't remember where.  I think it was at Walmart or Pet___.  Isn't he(she) pretty?  Thought I showed him(her) to you, and you said I should have gotten __insert quantity here__?")

            That sounds like a sweet way to spend a Saturday!  Unfortunately I've planned on being at the LHA Swap that day  :(.
            The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
            Who says you can`t have it all??!!


            • #7
              Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

              Don't forget that the 17th is St. Patty's day, if you end up at village, keep that is mind. There are lots of Irish pubs in the area, the parade and the lots of "happy folks" driving the neighborhood that afternoon. I know because that is my annual harley drunkout. I start at 7 in the morning drinking the free green beer and then make all the irish pubs until my harley starts to lean then I park it, and make the last few I missed earlier walking....


              • #8
                Re: Fish Store Group Trip...


                Mark & I are intereted but would have to catch you another time.  I will be in San Marcus that day for the FOTAS meeting and touring the Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center.  

                Have fun, there will be other days!  later, ken


                • #9
                  Re: Fish Store Group Trip...


                  I may be doing this alone, but I've sure got plenty to see- forgot about St. Patty's day- but figure early morning/afternoon only a few of you  weaving Harley's to deal with ( I myself drive a VStar 1100- the poor man's Harley).

                  But hmm I am going to re-think this route.... should be fun.


                  • #10
                    Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

                    The tour sounds like fun!   I live off of Ella and 610 so these shops are not too far.  But I have a conflict, Rodeo Tickets for Brooks and Dunn.  Maybe another weekend?

                    I will be at the HAS Auction on Sunday though, see y'all there!


                    • #11
                      Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

                      LMAO Obed, it sure sounds like you have a plan for the day!  



                      • #12
                        Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

                        yes Ellen, I do.... the last pub is accross the street from my house, I just have to negotiate the median on the way home.... since you were looking at fish when you left here, you probably did not notice the pub.
                        GIVE NONE, TAKE NONE - BE FREE, HAVE FUN


                        • #13
                          Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

                          Well, I might not have noticed it, but if it's across the street, I passed it at least 2 times in trying to find your house! LOL I was alone in the car - unless you count my brother's dog (and I don't!) so it was hard for me to see the numbers on the house while driving. LOL Yep, I kinda kept that part to myself until now!


                          If any of you men crack a woman driver joke...


                          • #14
                            Re: Fish Store Group Trip...

                            FYI - The run-down place at 1960 and I-45 that Eklikewhoa referring to is closed temporarily due to a fire. I have no idea for how long.
                            Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                            Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                            Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                            Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

