Short and sweet: any ideas for keeping bristlenose pl*co fry out of an AquaClear 50 filter? I cleaned the filter during my bi-weekly water change today and found about 40 fry living in there. The only thing I've thought of is cutting a sponge to cover the intake, but I'm afraid that would overwork the motor and/or reduce my flow rate too much.
On a related note, does anyone want an albino female b/n, or have an albino male they'd be willing to trade. I hate to get rid of her, but I'm afraid my 20 gal can't handle the bio load if they keeping breeding like this. Also, assuming I can keep these fry alive, I may have a few dozen up for grabs in a couple months...
On a related note, does anyone want an albino female b/n, or have an albino male they'd be willing to trade. I hate to get rid of her, but I'm afraid my 20 gal can't handle the bio load if they keeping breeding like this. Also, assuming I can keep these fry alive, I may have a few dozen up for grabs in a couple months...