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Changing food habbit

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  • Changing food habbit

    I got few angels from batman, member of HFB, all fish are doing completely fine. They are use to eating beef heart and i want to raise them on normal pellet. Can anyone tell me how to go about this transition.
    Also please suggest dome nice pellet food for angels.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    You can try just going straight to pellet and see if they take it. My angels aren't very picky. If not, keep feeding beefheart and start feeding pellet at the same time. Slowly increase the amount of pellet and decrease the amount of beefheart until they are eating all pellet. I've used NLS Cichlid and Tetra Colorbits (now TetraColor Tropical Granules) and my angels eat both.
    135 gal Fahaka Puffer
    150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
    185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks


    • #3
      NLS and Danichi are both excellent pellet food.. I would just try a little at a time and soon they will be used to it and eat it exclusively.

      What fish do Jesper have
      180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
      Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
      58 S. Decorus

      "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


      • #4
        NLS Thera A+ worked wonders with my Angels
        If it ain't wild caught
        You ain't doing it right


        • #5
          Thank you guys....So where will i get this NLS and what is the price ???


          • #6
            Currently for last two days i am just using betta food ( pellets and flakes) that i have at my place....they take it in their mouth and spit it out....i am gonna try this for few more days ....hopefully they will start eating ...


            • #7
              Houston Aquarium Warehouse pretty much always keeps it in stock. You can buy it in different sizes but I think the smallest one is around $14.
              135 gal Fahaka Puffer
              150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
              185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks

