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Angelfish ?s

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  • Angelfish ?s

    I think angels are in the running for the "center piece" of my next aquarium, but I'm reading some conflicting information on the 'net. How many is a good number to keep together? On place said "3 or more" but another implied that they attack each other if there are too many. Also, one site said that you can keep them with danios, but another said they will kill anything under about 2", which is about the size of my long-fin danios that I was thinking about putting with the angels if possible so I can do something else with their tank.

    Do any boxers with fw angelfish experience want to give me any advice?
    - 5 spotted cory cats
    - 1 golden gourami
    - 7 neon tetra

    - 1 long-finned zebra danio
    - 3 black bristle nose pl*cos

  • #2
    I have 3, they will fight amonst themselves, a lot. in a larger tank I woulod actually go with more to spread the aggression out.
    ‎Haiku's are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense


    • #3
      How big will the tank be?
      Charles Jones

      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


      • #4
        I'm thinking a 75 or 90, probably the 90 to get a taller water column
        - 5 spotted cory cats
        - 1 golden gourami
        - 7 neon tetra

        - 1 long-finned zebra danio
        - 3 black bristle nose pl*cos


        • #5
          If not a mated pair, i would go with at least 4 or 5. This helps to spread out the aggression and makes sure that no single fish gets picked on excessively.
          You can have at least 5 (or more depending on furnishings) in a 75 gal with absolutely no prob.


          • #6

            Hi Darkwynd,

            I have my 75 setup and running for 2 months with 6 large angels and tomorrow I am adding 25 wild caught neons i have had in a grow out quarantine tank for a couple of months .

            Out of the 6 angels i have 2 mated pairs. Both have laid eggs and on pair hatched approx 100 of so fry but all eaten. Just as well as these are farm raised angels. The mated pair get a bit protective for a few days then when fry are gone back to normal.

            Will let you know how it works out. I asked about this on another very large forum and several responded that they have kept both together with no problem.

            I have 2 clown plecos in the tank now with the angels.

            I am picking up 12 wild caught cories tomorrow to add to the quarantine tank before they are introduced into the 75.
            Last edited by bikinguy; 05-28-2010, 10:29 PM.


            • #7
              The Neons will become Angel's snack.


              • #8

                Hi All,

                Put the neons in this morning and it was a bit hectic with the 2 pairs pushing the neons back and forth between them. I have one hyper aggressive angel what was ruling the tank. I removed him and made a world of difference. The neons are fine with no attention being paid to them but time will tell. Next week when I add the silver dollars and cories i think the tank will work.

                Sorry about a bit of a hi jack.

