Thanks to armthehomeless, I now have a 2+inch little EBJD who I adore.
The little guy is actually blind, and is already proving to be a wonderful heart-stealing little guy within the first few days of getting him.
My question is this, he is currently in my 55, with some safe round decor and live plants, as well as a australian rainbow (long story as to why he's alone,)
and a large male taiwan reef peacock that is a good 5 inches. All things are going nicely, but I was wondering if I could add anything else as I slowly convert to more live plants.
I can't place any aggressive fish due to the blind JD, as he can't see to swim away from attackers, but I also can't place really small fish, because the peacock will most likely chow down on them.
Any tankmate suggestions?
I would remove the peacock, but after I drug my parents to the last auction for 7 hours, just to get him, they for sure won't see him leave
I also can't buy real ferocious eaters, since it takes the JD a while to find his food once it sinks.
Any suggestions of tankmates are greatly appreciated.
*Also, to armthehomeless, just a big thanks for driving over to drop them off. I gave one to my friend Ashley (Dow) and I kept one. We are both really enjoying them!
The little guy is actually blind, and is already proving to be a wonderful heart-stealing little guy within the first few days of getting him.
My question is this, he is currently in my 55, with some safe round decor and live plants, as well as a australian rainbow (long story as to why he's alone,)
and a large male taiwan reef peacock that is a good 5 inches. All things are going nicely, but I was wondering if I could add anything else as I slowly convert to more live plants.
I can't place any aggressive fish due to the blind JD, as he can't see to swim away from attackers, but I also can't place really small fish, because the peacock will most likely chow down on them.
Any tankmate suggestions?
I would remove the peacock, but after I drug my parents to the last auction for 7 hours, just to get him, they for sure won't see him leave

I also can't buy real ferocious eaters, since it takes the JD a while to find his food once it sinks.
Any suggestions of tankmates are greatly appreciated.
*Also, to armthehomeless, just a big thanks for driving over to drop them off. I gave one to my friend Ashley (Dow) and I kept one. We are both really enjoying them!