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Cholla or Choya Wood....

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  • Cholla or Choya Wood....

    Anyone have any in thier tanks? I have some in a 20 and every snail I put in the tank, dies within a week....Is this stuff a snail killing wood? I have some fish and shrimp in the tank, and they breed like crazy, but all the snails die.....and java moss and ferns love this stuff too.
    BEWARE Guard GUPPIES On Duty!

  • #2
    You might be on to something there. You need to get some of that wood to John Crowder right away.



    • #3
      Overnight him a pallet or two asap! I will come pick up a piece or two from him tomorrow
      120g - Tropheus Moorii Kambwimba
      180g - Petrochromis Macrognathus Dine/Tropheus Moorii Namansi I

      "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains"....Winston Churchill

      "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would do us harm"....Winston Churchill


      • #4
        I have begun a small set of experiments with a few tanks/tubs that have an established amount of pond/rams snails. As these are the snails that are coming up dead for now. Trapdoors, Rabbits, Assasins and spixies seem to be unchanged, but the pond snails and rams are not alive after a week. I have some of this stuff that I will be bringing to the auction reguardless if anyone wants I have too much for my "pretty" tanks, and have no need for it in my breeder tanks.
        BEWARE Guard GUPPIES On Duty!

