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Angel fish tankmates

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  • Angel fish tankmates

    So anyone have some good suggestions for angel fish tank-mates. Single koi angel is in a 29g planted tank currently with a couple gold gouramis, and some mollies and platies. Seems like on a nightly basis I have been losing a platy or molly. So for now I am going to pull out the angel and stick him in a 10g half moon tank until school starts up and he can go in a 30l or 55g (depending on if the tanks at school leak or not). What would be a good tank mate for him? Ide like something with color and some sort of schooling type fish. Also do you think the angel would be ok in a 10g tank for a month or so? It is not full grown and has a body slightly smaller than the circumference of a bottle of water.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    it'll be fine in a 10g, especially if it's only short term. some good schooling tank mates for angels would be congo tetras, many of the different species of rainbow fish (i'm partial to the bosemanie, but it's up to you)
    ‎Haiku's are easy
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    • #3
      Cool thanks for the response. I will try to get the temporary tank setup tonight or tomorrow and move him to his new home.


      • #4
        So I think my setup will be.

        30g long low tech planted aquarium. I was hoping to find a 55g in the backroom of the school but the 30g was the largest.

        Fish wise I am planning on
        1 larger koi angel from my own tank
        6 albino cories (have to purchase)
        Pair of blue 3 spot gourami (need to get a female i have a male)
        Perhaps another angel(will a smaller angel get beaten up by a larger angel?)
        And I would like something else schooling type. Some kind of larger tetras or rainbows that aren't too expensive. Probably 6-8 of them.

        Does that look like it will work or does it seem overstocked. It will be light/medium planted until i can grow out some more plants.

        As for decor I will bring in some of my plants from my own tank and anything else I can find for free of cheap from here on the box. If I can also find a piece of driftwood for a good deal here I may add that. I have some larger rocks i can add to the tank as well.

        Does it sound good?


        • #5
          sounds fine as long as you have good filtration but i wouldnt do the gourami pair i have had them get aggressive towards other fish when they start breeding as far as fish you would be fine with 3 angels plus 6-10 smaller fish (i am parcial to rummy noses and cardinal tetras) with the corries on bottom

