Okay, so I picked up a bag of these guys at the HAS auction. Now I am wishing I had bought more of them. OMG they are too funny. I am guessing the ones with smaller bodies, and less color in the fins are females...And the males, wow, think they are worse then my guppies when it comes to "showing off". Cause they flare, shake, chase her, then go chasing one of the other males, loose the girl, find her again, start it all over again. Weave in and out of the plants, wood, occasionally bump into something. Its like the three stooges, with women envolved...kaos! Then theres the red/blue tetras that get in the middle, or just in the way, along with the cherry barbs, neons and black tetras, and the swordtails. Super, super fast paced tank. Never a dull moment, and always moving...so glad I got these guys...might be getting more if the opportunity arrives!
