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Fluval Chi, Ebi and Floral nano tanks

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  • Fluval Chi, Ebi and Floral nano tanks

    If the Fluval Chi, Ebi and Flora tanks are a sign of things to come then we have some great expectations from the nano tank designers at Fluval. The FLuval Chi features a center mounted fliter/LED light which adds an instant splash of ambiance to the aquarium by basicaly submerging the primary LED light. The Fluval Ebi is custom taylored for use with bee and crystal shrimp and it ships with the food and little t00bular shelters than make Neocaridina happy. The Fluval Flora is more of a nano planted aquarium that ships with just enough light to grow mosses and ferns and crypts, the likes of which could really do without the included nano scale CO2 injection system. (Taken from site)

    (Site and images)
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President

  • #2

    Finally, something catering to the FW planted nano market in the US! That's awesome. I'm eager to hear more about the Fluval Flora...
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

