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Not so angelic Angelfish

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  • Not so angelic Angelfish

    One of my angelfish died recently and the two remaining angelfish have been quarreling ever since. The more dominant angelfish spends all day keeping the smaller one in a corner. The dominant one even keeps the smaller one from eating through aggressive behavior.

    I'd rather not get rid of either fish. I thought of separating them but was wondering if there was a better solution. Perhaps adding another angelfish to the crew to take some of the attention off the little guy. Any suggestions?
    Discus are like the Kate Moss of the freshwater variety.

  • #2
    Can you get a picture of them? They are probably males.... which have a hump on their head. Remember that angels are actually a SA cichlid...
    75 planted (Being Renovated)
    lots of nanos


    • #3
      More angels. Id get like 3 more and possibly some dither fish (roseline sharks or some barbs) aggression should settle down

      There are tons of other dither fish, I just listed two
      Last edited by FrontosaurusRex; 11-21-2010, 09:30 PM.
      If it ain't wild caught
      You ain't doing it right


      • #4
        Sea-agg, what do you mean by they are actually a south american cichlid? Are you saying that they have a higher propensity towards aggression? Because I keep discus and they are the most docile fish ever and are also SA cichlids. I would post pictures of the bullied angelfish but it's hiding in my amazon swords constantly. The aggressive angel is obviously male.

        Frontosaurus, I already have some dither fish- just a small school of tetras. I'm very reluctant to add fish in fear of introducing some sort of parasite. However, I really don't want to separate my angels indefinitely so I suppose assimilating a few angelfish is necessary.

        Thanks for your input, guys. It's appreciated.
        Discus are like the Kate Moss of the freshwater variety.


        • #5
          Unless angelfish are a breeding pair, they will almost always quarrel.
          South american cichlids (such as discus, rams and angels) tend to be aggressive with other members of the same species. Angels are typically schooling fish and within the school they have a pecking order which is established and reinforced through squabbling.
          This is why i always recommended that people keep at least 4 or 5 individuals of similar size in a small school. This is to allow the aggression to be spread out and not allow one to be picked on continuously.
          Last edited by nacra99; 11-22-2010, 12:44 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nacra99 View Post
            Unless angelfish are a breeding pair, they will almost always quarrel.
            South american cichlids (such as discus, rams and angels) tend to be aggressive with other members of the same species. Angels are typically schooling fish and within the school they have a pecking order which is established and reinforced through squabbling.
            This is why i always recommended that people keep at least 4 or 5 individuals of similar size in a small school. This is to allow the aggression to be spread out and not allow one to be picked on continuously.
            75 planted (Being Renovated)
            lots of nanos

