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Opinions please! Sand color for my tank??

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  • Opinions please! Sand color for my tank??

    Okay, I just set up my new 215 gallon and have the following inhabitants:

    -14" ST datnoid
    -11" NTT datnoid
    -Two Black Aros (24" & 20")
    -20" tigrinus catfish
    -May add some IT datnoids, as well (6" - 9") along with some other bottom dwellers that like sand and maybe flagtails

    So, taking into account these inhabitants, what color sand do you suggest? I was thinking that black would make the stripes pop on the tig cat and dats. And maybe even darken the aros fins. I'm definitely going with Estes brand and will be picking some up in Dallas this weekend.

    Thanks all!

  • #2
    I think black backgrounds and black san darken the tank to much, seems like it takes to much light to overcome it. Thats my 2 cents, and I have seen that from just having a black background on my 240.
    46 gallon bow front
    Grow Out Cichlid tank

    240 gallon long
    Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


    • #3
      I took a look at the site.

      I like the nature blend line. That's the type i've used for years.

      The beige sand is my vote.

      Wish they had a location here.

      I'm running caribe sea rio grand in my 125.


      • #4
        I'm not too worried about lighting. I have a coralife pro with 3x250w MH and 4x96w CF. I am thinking about what would look the nicest with these species. This tank is in my main room of the house.


        • #5
          Yeah, I have PFS in my 300g and it works great. I wanted to try something different. Never used black before but it's looked nice... especially with certain bottom dwellers :)


          • #6
            Originally posted by peterp63 View Post
            I'm not too worried about lighting. I have a coralife pro with 3x250w MH and 4x96w CF. I am thinking about what would look the nicest with these species. This tank is in my main room of the house.
            Overkill????? hahahaha. Shoot I say go for the black then if you have overkill lighting!!!!! I think It would look pretty good with the cat.
            46 gallon bow front
            Grow Out Cichlid tank

            240 gallon long
            Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


            • #7
              Metal Halides would only run at certain times for show. I love the glimmer that they give off... although I heard there are some new LED's that match the output with a lot less wattage. Maybe in a few years....


              • #8
                yea I also just saw some nice leds on a tank and I didnt realize they also put off a shimmer effect that halides do.
                46 gallon bow front
                Grow Out Cichlid tank

                240 gallon long
                Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


                • #9
                  dude i read your stock list and just thought about all the crazy tanks people keep on MFK. all black FTW in that predatory tank.
                  I make people happy


                  • #10
                    Yeah, I'm one of those crazies!! I also have an aro/pbass/bottom dweller tank going.. it's looking sick!


                    • #11
                      I wanted to go pbass so bad with my 240 but i resisted... post the links to pics of your tanks on mfk.
                      46 gallon bow front
                      Grow Out Cichlid tank

                      240 gallon long
                      Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by peterp63 View Post
                        Yeah, I'm one of those crazies!! I also have an aro/pbass/bottom dweller tank going.. it's looking sick!
                        hell ya man, those people go hard over on mfk lol

                        I think an All black tank would not only make your fish look that much more mean but the photography ive seen through the all black set ups and an over head flash is amazing!
                        I make people happy


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Zebvance View Post
                          I wanted to go pbass so bad with my 240 but i resisted... post the links to pics of your tanks on mfk.
                          I've always loved pbass. I'm hoping to pick up 2 more azuls this weekend. My temensis is over 22" :)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mark razmandi View Post
                            hell ya man, those people go hard over on mfk lol

                            I think an All black tank would not only make your fish look that much more mean but the photography ive seen through the all black set ups and an over head flash is amazing!
                            Agreed. I'm likely going black.


                            • #15
                              I think that the dark black background and black tanks more than three, it seems like too much of light, to overcome it. This is my 2 cents, and I see only a black background on my 240.
                              Pond Liners

