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Anyone running a eurobraced tank with internal overflows

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  • Anyone running a eurobraced tank with internal overflows

    Need some pics of eurobraced tanks with overflows. Trying to see how far the overflow is from the brace and how much room you have to get into the overflow to clean or get something out in the event something like a fish should get in there.

  • #2
    I have an acrylic tank with top bracing and its RR.

    What to see that?

    Pictures might have to wait until the weekend when I go home.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #3
      Most Euro braced tank are drilled with OF or have a section cut out for a OF box. If your tank doesn't have either you have a few options. Drill it and install a OF box or cut the brace and add a OF box.


      • #4
        I have an empty 150gal glass tank and am about to remove the 13" center brace. Since I am going to redo the overflow and eurobrace the tank, I am looking to see what others have done before I make my final plans. Therefore my options are pretty open. I have seen one tank where there was a "break" in the brace and the overflow filled the gap.

        I'm interested in all pics both glass and acrylic tanks

