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HCCC Spring Auction / March 13th !!!!!!

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  • HCCC Spring Auction / March 13th !!!!!!

    IMO these are the best!!! be there or be square!
    Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!

  • #2
    A little taste of what will be there.... SO MUCH MORE TO COME...stay tuned!

    Callochromis stappersi
    Aulonocranus dewintii
    Julidochromis dickfeldi "Livua"
    Neolamprologus furcifer "Zambia Yellow Tale"
    Xenotilapia bathyphylus "Mtoto Blue"
    Neo. Leleupi
    Psammochromis riponianus <---RARE!
    Petrotilapia Chitimba Bay 2" Juvies
    Haplochromis sp. "Ruby Green" 2" juvies
    Aulonocara stuartgranti Maleri Island 2" juvies
    tropical community fish (cardinals, rummynoses, rosy barbs).
    Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


    • #3
      Got word from Dave S. from Daves Rare Aquarium Fish. He will be bringing 50 bags +.

      "you can count on plenty of Malawi, Tanganyika, Victoria, some Westies, and plenty of Synodontis and plecos "
      Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


      • #4
        Auction list so far.

        More just got added on....

        Callochromis stappersi
        Aulonocranus dewintii
        Julidochromis dickfeldi "Livua"
        Neolamprologus furcifer "Zambia Yellow Tale"
        Xenotilapia bathyphylus "Mtoto Blue"
        Neo. Leleupi
        Psammochromis riponianus <---RARE!
        Petrotilapia Chitimba Bay 2" Juvies
        Haplochromis sp. "Ruby Green" 2" juvies
        Aulonocara stuartgranti Maleri Island 2" juvies
        tropical community fish (cardinals, rummynoses, rosy barbs).

        One bag of 4 young Haplochromis sp. "Kenya gold"

        2 bags of 6 Neo Leleupi F2 1-1.25"
        2 bags of 6 syndontis Petracocla F2 1"
        2 bags of 6 Calvus Congo black F1 1"
        2 bags of 6 Compresosep Mwela Orange F1 1"
        1 bag of 6 Petro famula chimba F1 2"

        Labidochromis SRT Kipuma- juvies and 4 adult females
        P. pundamillia Hippo Point Blue Bar female
        C. afra Cobwe young males
        1 pair of gold occies
        P. demasoni juvies
        L. multifasciatus
        L. callipterous
        A. aneocolor- male and 3 females
        juvie A. compressiceps
        L. caeruleus small juvies
        I. spengarae small juvies
        juvie bristlenose

        also 50+ bags from Dave Rare Aquarium Fish

        (list subject to changes, lol)

        The list is growing!
        Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


        • #5
          If someone will drive.....I will chip in on the gas .


          • #6
            I would like to see a few from the Houston area. So close to SA!!!! Not far of a drive at all. I am coming from the DFW area with a few people and more of my members from USAbox are coming from the LA area. Going to be lot's of fishy people and lot's of fish. This auction is going to be top notch!
            Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


            • #7
              Auction list so far.

              More just got added on....

              Julidochromis dickfeldi "Livua"
              Neolamprologus furcifer "Zambia Yellow Tale"
              Xenotilapia bathyphylus "Mtoto Blue"
              Neo. Leleupi
              Psammochromis riponianus <---RARE!
              Petrotilapia Chitimba Bay 2" Juvies
              Haplochromis sp. "Ruby Green" 2" juvies
              Aulonocara stuartgranti Maleri Island 2" juvies
              tropical community fish (cardinals, rummynoses, rosy barbs).

              One bag of 4 young Haplochromis sp. "Kenya gold"

              2 bags of 6 Neo Leleupi F2 1-1.25"
              2 bags of 6 syndontis Petracocla F2 1"
              2 bags of 6 Calvus Congo black F1 1"
              2 bags of 6 Compresosep Mwela Orange F1 1"
              1 bag of 6 Petro famula chimba F1 2"

              Labidochromis SRT Kipuma- juvies and 4 adult females
              P. pundamillia Hippo Point Blue Bar female
              C. afra Cobwe young males
              1 pair of gold occies
              P. demasoni juvies
              L. multifasciatus
              L. callipterous
              A. aneocolor- male and 3 females
              juvie A. compressiceps
              L. caeruleus small juvies
              I. spengarae small juvies
              juvie bristlenose

              4 pictus catfish (adult size 4-5")
              platinum gourami
              male fryeri (4" with great color)
              1m/3f adult BN
              pair of bolivian rams

              Some items not listed!

              (list subject to changes, lol)

              The list is growing!
              Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


              • #8
                I'll be there...
                Charles Jones

                A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                • #9
                  Never been to one, but thinking about going.

                  No more Callochromis stappersi ?
                  150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                  125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                  115G Tanganyikan


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by marauder_77868 View Post
                    I'll be there...
                    Good! I miss my buddy. Can't wait to see ya.

                    Originally posted by algarciajr View Post
                    Never been to one, but thinking about going.

                    No more Callochromis stappersi ?
                    No sorry he said they passed....DRAF might bring some. I did not even list what DRAF is bringing. He said 50+ bags!!!!

                    You should go..well worth it!
                    Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


                    • #11
                      Any updates on what fish will be available?
                      150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                      125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                      115G Tanganyikan


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by algarciajr View Post
                        Any updates on what fish will be available?

                        Auction list so far.

                        More just got added on....

                        Julidochromis dickfeldi "Livua"
                        Neolamprologus furcifer "Zambia Yellow Tale"
                        Xenotilapia bathyphylus "Mtoto Blue"
                        Neo. Leleupi
                        Psammochromis riponianus <---RARE!
                        Petrotilapia Chitimba Bay 2" Juvies
                        Haplochromis sp. "Ruby Green" 2" juvies
                        Aulonocara stuartgranti Maleri Island 2" juvies
                        tropical community fish (cardinals, rummynoses, rosy barbs).

                        One bag of 4 young Haplochromis sp. "Kenya gold"

                        2 bags of 6 Neo Leleupi F2 1-1.25"
                        2 bags of 6 syndontis Petracocla F2 1"
                        2 bags of 6 Calvus Congo black F1 1"
                        2 bags of 6 Compresosep Mwela Orange F1 1"
                        1 bag of 6 Petro famula chimba F1 2"

                        Labidochromis SRT Kipuma- juvies and 4 adult females
                        P. pundamillia Hippo Point Blue Bar female
                        C. afra Cobwe young males
                        1 pair of gold occies
                        P. demasoni juvies
                        L. multifasciatus
                        L. callipterous
                        A. aneocolor- male and 3 females
                        juvie A. compressiceps
                        L. caeruleus small juvies
                        I. spengarae small juvies
                        juvie bristlenose

                        4 pictus catfish (adult size 4-5")
                        platinum gourami
                        male fryeri (4" with great color)
                        1m/3f adult BN
                        pair of bolivian rams

                        [1) Impressive Oklahoma-collected Ludwigia repens (lots of red, large leaved and bushy)
                        2) Bacopa monieri
                        3) "Crystalwort", Riccia fluitans
                        4) "Brazilian Pennywort", Hydrocotyle leucocephala
                        5) 1 Java Moss engulfed branch

                        [1) Farm-strain (hardy, grow very large) Poecilia latipinna youth and fry (feeder-breeders, yum!)
                        2) Wild-collected (slightly delicate) Poecilia latipinna
                        3) One large wild-collected breeding pair "Texas Cichlids", Herichthys cyanoguttatus adults (pending)
                        --video:4) Many many "Texas Cichlids", Herichthys cyanoguttatus F1 fry (pending)
                        5) Adult "Tiger Oscar" & "Albino Tiger Oscar", Astronotus ocellatus, ~8 inches in length, definitely paired-off but no spawns/unidentified sex

                        1) Adult wild-collected "Giant Columbian Ramshorn", Marisa cornuarietis (Applesnail family)
                        2) Tow bags F1 BB-sized Marisa cornuarietis babies (~20/bag) in java moss clump
                        --NOTE: It is illegal to transport this species across state borders.
                        3) Small assortments of wild collected and F1 "Red-Rim Melania",Melanoides tuberculata, (~1.5-2 inches length, livebearing)
                        --Best substrate turning scavenger snail ever, great for planted aquariums, low reproduction rates, not great for snail eaters)
                        --video: 4) Small assortment of wild collected and F1 "Quilted Melania", Tarebia granifera, similar lifestyle to "Red-Rim Melania"
                        5) Adult "Mystery Snail", Pomacea diffusa "brown" (wild-type), "white" (ivory), and "gold" (yellow-gold, iridescent red-flecked foot)
                        6) Bags full of brown ramshorn snails (puffer food)
                        7) Daphnia pulex(?), if I can re-charge my culture substantially enough for auction
                        Cyno Sp afra Hara
                        Steatocranus irvinei Volta River
                        Herichthys cf. cyanoguttatus Santa Tecla

                        A TON OF PLECOS!

                        Some items not listed!

                        (list subject to changes, lol)

                        The list is growing!
                        Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


                        • #13
                          I see some things I want to bid on.
                          150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                          125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                          115G Tanganyikan


                          • #14
                            NOT LISTED is the 50+ Bags that are coming from DRAF ( Dave's Rare Aquarium Fish ) This auction is the place to be if you want fish. TRUST ME!
                            Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul !!!


                            • #15
                     you know if there will be any fish food at the auction . I'm looking for Dainichi in the big bags .

