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horrible day

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  • horrible day

    i got a phone call today with some really bad news. i left my fish in the care of my parents while im waiting to get my 283 this weekend. well my parents decided they wanted to change their tank to saltwater so they took all my fish and put them in a 55 gallon they had laying around. they used to use this 55 for guinea pigs and didnt rinse it well before putting my fish in. the death toll is 1 endli, 1 indo dat, a red oscar, lima shovelnose, synspilum, jaguar cichlid, and my fx5 which was seeded for the new tank has to get new media. needless to say im FUMING!!

  • #2
    Sorry to hear about your loss . I have been in your shoes and know exactly how you feel . Don't let it get you down and just keep telling yourself that the next tank will be bigger and better . AS for your FX5....... why do you have to get rid of the media ? Can't you just soak it in some hot bleach water.....then soak it in a Prime solution ? I have done this in the past and it has worked for me without any problems .


    • #3
      Sorry to hear that
      Resident fish bum
      330G FOWLR
      34G Reef
      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
      Treasurer, GHAC


      • #4
        Originally posted by supadave View Post
        Sorry to hear about your loss . I have been in your shoes and know exactly how you feel . Don't let it get you down and just keep telling yourself that the next tank will be bigger and better . AS for your FX5....... why do you have to get rid of the media ? Can't you just soak it in some hot bleach water.....then soak it in a Prime solution ? I have done this in the past and it has worked for me without any problems .
        there is no telling what kind of contaminants were in that tank besides the massive ammonia overdose, but i'll that


        • #5
          Ahh C' to hear but at least it wasn't rare or expensive fish.
          If it ain't wild caught
          You ain't doing it right


          • #6
            I don't care if they were expensive fish or not. The loss is the same. If monetary value is the only thing that you use to judge you fish, I don't think you understand fishkeeping. IF I lose a guppy or a Moba, I still hate it. To the orginal poster, I am sorry for the loss of you fish..
            Last edited by mikeb144; 02-02-2011, 04:21 PM.
            300 W/C Burundi
            210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
            210 F1 Moba
            180 W/C Mpimbwe
            180 F1 Burundi


            • #7
              Sorry about the fish loss. What kind of fish are you thinking to put in the new tank?

              Trophs & Petros ONLY


              • #8
                Originally posted by mikeb144 View Post
                I don't care if they were expensive fish or not. The loss is the same. If monetary value is the only thing that you use to judge you fish, I don't think you understand fishkeeping. IF I lose a guppy or a Moba, I still hate it. To the orginal poster, I am sorry for the loss of you fish..
                no need to be a jerk...the point was probably meant that they can easily be replaced and move on. Some other fish for example can not just be replaced, or one might not be able to afford to replace some of the fish they kept. A guppy...seriously!!!
                250gallon-Wild Angels, community


                • #9
                  You really hurt my feelings by calling me a jerk, I may not recover.
                  Last edited by mikeb144; 02-02-2011, 07:52 PM.
                  300 W/C Burundi
                  210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
                  210 F1 Moba
                  180 W/C Mpimbwe
                  180 F1 Burundi


                  • #10
                    Parents will be parents...they do the darnest things. You still gotta love em.

                    Sorry to hear about the loss of your fish. I hope that by now you are feeling a little better.


                    • #11
                      new tank will be SE asian theme with dats, maybe RTGG, tinfoils, royal clown knife, clown loaches. the only fish thats for sure are the dats. anybody know someone who moves aquariums. the new 283 is in a 3rd floor apartment?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FrontosaurusRex View Post
                        Ahh C' to hear but at least it wasn't rare or expensive fish.
                        Rex, so not the point.
                        PLECOS SUCK!



                        • #13
                          Sorry for your loss. I agree in that the point is not the monetary value of the fish, but the value that you place on them as your pets.
                          PLECOS SUCK!



                          • #14
                            not that the monetary value means much but a 5 inch dat and 15 inch wild caught endli bichir arent cheap fish either.


                            • #15
                              Typical response.

                              Moral of the story is: If it ain't wild caught, go ahead and throw 'em in a used guinea pig tank.


                              Originally posted by FrontosaurusRex View Post
                              Ahh C' to hear but at least it wasn't rare or expensive fish.
                              210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
                              135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
                              125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
                              90G star sapphire
                              75G buccochromis rhoadesii
                              55G ?
                              30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry

