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too much current.....

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  • too much current.....

    well i didnt think this was going to be a problem....but it is.....the middle of my tank is down to the egg have water making little tornados in the middle of my tank)....has anyone else ever had this problem? i am going to take the spray bars of my 2 fx5s and go back to those crappy dual outlets that came with it...the 2028 doesnt put out a big flow so i will stick with the spray on it...just thought this was funny...even with a 29in tall tank it is crazy looking....dem are it looks really cool has kinda of a ocean fill with the way the water has created mounds and valleys but the xenos are having a problem swimming from one side of the tank to the other....they are some fit little fish permanet treadmill.....
    Last edited by Gene D; 02-04-2011, 05:22 PM.
    210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming

  • #2
    Yeah......those dual outputs on the FX5 really serve a purpose . Without the dual really get to see how much flow the FX5 puts out . I don't think there's no better combination on a six foot tank (for the money) than two FX5s' .


    • #3
      I just take off my spray bar. Try it. :)
      I ate my fish that died.


      • #4
        Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
        I just take off my spray bar. Try it. :)
        that is what i did....made a huge diffrence....the sand no longer flies
        210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming


        • #5
          Originally posted by supadave View Post
          Yeah......those dual outputs on the FX5 really serve a purpose . Without the dual really get to see how much flow the FX5 puts out . I don't think there's no better combination on a six foot tank (for the money) than two FX5s' .
          i agree dave.....i used the two fx5s for biological and the 2028 for mechanical....seems good so far...
          210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming


          • #6
            I use 4 eheim 2217 and one FX5 in a six foot 125 gallons tank. Still going to add another 2260 next week, and my petro love it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Red View Post
              I use 4 eheim 2217 and one FX5 in a six foot 125 gallons tank. Still going to add another 2260 next week, and my petro love it.
              i agree with a petro or troph tank mass current is great....but for the fish i am keeping just not the same needs....i want the crystal clear water just not all the current if you dont have a a spray on your fx5 i would suggest doing wont belive the diffrence...
              210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming


              • #8
                There is also a big difference between narrow flow vs. wide flow when we are speaking strictly in terms of gph.

                I think wide flow is much much better.
                I ate my fish that died.


                • #9
                  Tattoo you show direct all the flow toward the front of the tank... the fish are easier to look at when they're pinned against the front glass. :)

                  What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                  Robert Anson Heinlein


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Red View Post
                    I use 4 eheim 2217 and one FX5 in a six foot 125 gallons tank. Still going to add another 2260 next week, and my petro love it.

                    Wow !!! With that much flow coming from the probably won't need a powerhead . Lol !! Awesome !!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wesleydnunder View Post
                      the fish are easier to look at when they're pinned against the front glass. :)
                      180 - reef
                      30 - reef


                      • #12
                        Makes the fish stronger.

                        Marks fish are weak like
                        I ate my fish that died.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
                          Makes the fish stronger.

                          Marks fish are weak like
                          Could you see my discus all buffed up from swimmin in that current all day?.. more like all huddled up in the corner holdin' hands with their knees shakin'.

                          What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                          Robert Anson Heinlein


                          • #14
                            my point exactly sir.
                            I ate my fish that died.

