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So . . . whatcha got?

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  • So . . . whatcha got?

    I used to know what types of fish have. . . and now I don't. I even get PMs from other people asking who has what.

    Long story short: I'm nosy - whatcha got?

    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

  • #2
    Petrochromis orange kasumbe
    Tropheus Chipimbi
    Over 100 Chipimbi fry and juveniles
    Symochromis b
    Black calvus
    Chaitika White calvus
    Come on all you fish hoarders start posting
    Last edited by jhenry; 03-08-2011, 06:56 PM.
    Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


    • #3
      Guppies and gold fish


      • #4
        So that this isn't a one way street:

        • Crystal Red Shrimp
        • Cardinal Shrimp
        • Malawa Shrimp
        • Red Cherry Shrimp
        • Yellow Shrimp
        • Red Miniline Shrimp

        • Benthochomis Tricoti
        • Callochromis " Raspberry Haed"
        • Cyprichromis leptsoma "Mbita"
        • Cyprichromis leptosoma "Kitumba"
        • Cyprichromis microlepidotus "Mboko"
        • Xenotilapia singularis "Mzuri"
        • Cyathopharnyx foai "Moliro"
        • Cyathopharnyx furcifer "Blue Sibwesa"

        • BN
        • ABN
        • LFBN
        • LFABN
        • LF L144
        • Red Calico BN
        • 1 Gold Nugget
        • 1 Clown Pleco

        • Yellow Rabbit Tylos
        • Orange Rabbit Tylos
        • Orange Poso Tylos
        • Yellow Antennae Tylos
        • Assassin Snails
        Last edited by armthehomeless; 03-08-2011, 05:11 PM. Reason: Spelling . . .
        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ssrprelude View Post
          Guppies and gold fish
          Good to know. PM me your number.
          Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
          Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
          Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
          Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


          • #6
            Damn that's impressive list Tim!

            I ate my fish that died.


            • #7
              26 clown loaches
              6 botia kubotai
              2 angels
              3 geophagus surinamense
              2 geo. jurupari
              2 leptobarbus hooveini
              5 congo tetras
              1 gold gourami
              1 albino p. senegalus
              1 bgk
              1 elephant nose
              1 vampire pleco
              1 Siamese algae eater
              ‎Haiku's are easy
              But sometimes they don't make sense


              • #8
                Fahaka puffer
                Geophagus sp. Red Head Araguia
                Geophagus sp. Orange Head Tapajos
                Geophagus Abalios
                Turquoise Severum
                Uaru Amphocanthoides
                Boesmani Rainbow
                Red Iranian Rainbow
                L-47 Mango Pleco
                L-200 Green Phantom Pleco
                Schwartz Cory
                Otocinclus Catfish
                Last edited by TaTeR ToT; 04-18-2011, 10:26 PM.
                FRENCH FRY!!!

                55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                • #9
                  I don't have the counts...
                  Spot tail shiners
                  Black Tailed Sharks
                  Rainbow Sharks
                  Giant Danio
                  Sumo Loach
                  Doctor fish (2 variants)
                  Signal Barbs/silver sharks
                  Pirate perch
                  Bristle Nose Plecos (regular, albino, albino blue eyed, long finned)
                  Common plecos (2 variants)
                  Garra sp.
                  "Colombian Shark" (hardhead catfish)
                  hermit crabs
                  African Butterfly Cichlids
                  Banjo Catfish
                  Tiger Pleco
                  Phantom Green Pleco
                  Snowball Plecos
                  various cory catfish (sterbai, masked, aneus, albino)
                  Kuhli loaches (meyers and black)
                  Cory mimic catfish
                  tire track eel
                  bumblebee catfish
                  Goodieds (orange tail, bass, butterfly)
                  Long nosed loach
                  Cambodian betta
                  Albino Ompok catfish
                  Yoyo Loaches
                  Zipper Loaches
                  Zebra Loaches
                  Julidochromis (ornatus, transcriptus, marleiri)
                  Various shell dweller cichlids (I forgot the types)
                  Bichirs/polypterus (ornatipinnus, delhezi, endlicheri, sengalus, albino sengalus)
                  Asian Climbing perch
                  Chocolate Ctenopoma
                  Silver Dollar
                  various Geophagus
                  mangrove killifish
                  blue gouramis
                  bullhead catfish
                  tadpole madtom catfish
                  sun catfish
                  spotted ctenopoma
                  pictus catfish
                  Silver distichodus
                  Black moor goldfish
                  lionhead goldfish
                  Common musk turtles
                  mud turtles
                  orange cave crawfish
                  killifish (forgot the type)
                  Assassin snails
                  Siamese Algae eaters
                  Trophs (no colonies, just 3 singles of some sort)
                  dwarf cichlids
                  royal pleco
                  clown plecos
                  Purple something or another pleco
                  some kind of striped and spotted plecos I got from Tim (I can't remember all those L numbers, sorry)
                  I'm sure I am overlooking a few

                  Last edited by Nickintex; 03-09-2011, 01:24 AM.
                  PLECOS SUCK!



                  • #10
                    i got 8 guianacara gaeyi from aqua zoo yesterday.thanks prosper


                    • #11
                      geophagus surinamensis
                      tinfoil barbs
                      new guinea tiger datnoid
                      pair of honduran red points
                      gold severum
                      giraffe catfish
                      red tail giant gourami

                      hopefully getting 4 or 5 more datnoids soon


                      • #12
                        I forgot the hummingbird tetra, and the nerite snails (green, red spotted, and zebra), Raphael catfish (striped and spotted). I'm not counting MTS.
                        PLECOS SUCK!



                        • #13
                          4- Brilliant turquoise discus
                          2 (pair) - German Blue Rams
                          12 Cardinal Tetras
                          2 – Ossa Knifes
                          2 (pair) - Royal Farlowella
                          2 (pair) – Common Farlowella
                          1 - Stiphodon percnopterygionus
                          2 – Sicydium punctatum (African Algae Eating Goby)
                          3 – Cameroon Wood Shrimp
                          1 – Gabon Viper Shrimp
                          2 – Amano Shrimp
                          ?? – Assassin Snails
                          75 planted (Being Renovated)
                          lots of nanos


                          • #14
                            Crystal Red Shrimp (lots)
                            7 Amano shrimp
                            1 Siamese Algae Eater
                            3 O-cats

                            1 Glass Goby
                            2 Bumblebee Gobys

                            7 Cardinal Tetras
                            3 Rummy Nose Tetras
                            2 Red Phantom Tetras

                            7 Maculata Rasboras
                            12 Coffebean Rasboras
                            7 Blue Neon Rasboras
                            15 Celestial Pearl Danios
                            4 Dario Danios

                            3 Apistogramma Rio Viejita
                            3 Sulawesi Rice Fish


                            • #15
                              2 Angel
                              4 Black neon
                              many red cherry shrimp
                              many Platy

                              Ludwigia arcuata
                              Ludwigia repen
                              R. rotundifolia
                              Najas guadalupensis
                              Cabomba caroliniana
                              Hygrophila difformis
                              Vallisneria sp. with runners
                              Bacopa caroliniana
                              Hemianthus micranthemoides

