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Both male rams (?) w/pic

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  • Both male rams (?) w/pic

    I have 2 "Angel" Rams in my planted 29gal tank.
    "Blue" one seems to be a male:


    It's done being shy and constantly beats up the second one but doesn't touch other fish:

    This second one was sold to me by "Fish Land" as a female since it's yellow(?!) , I guess it's a balloon version of a "Golden Ram", and I can't tell if it's a female or male.

    Do you think they have a chance to get along in 29gal, or it's just not enough space?

    PS. I am about to get rid of one of them ("Blue" one I guess will have to go), but both look nice in the tank (better than on photos)- I would like to give them a chance

  • #2
    Re: Both male rams (?) w/pic

    Based on the roundness of the back tip of the dorsal fin and roundness of caudal , I'd agree with Fishland that the yellow is a female balloon ram.

    The "blue" based also on the finnage looks like a male balloon ram.

    My best method to sex is using the center spot on body. Those with blue spangles in the spot are female. Those where blue spangles are just outside are male. Not sure these balloons have that center spot, though.

    I've observed Balloon rams to have different behavior patterns then normal rams. To me, they are more neurotic. Being hybrids may have something to do with it. They are controversial among the dwarf cichlid fans.  I had them in a 55 community and chasing one to death was common. Even adding more to a tank didn't spare the aggression of the one on the other. If the one comes even remotely close the aggressor will make a dart for it to chase it.

    If you are interested in more info check out forums in and


    • #3
      Re: Both male rams (?) w/pic

      I just thought that aggression is more "sex oriented", but yours chased each other regardles ?
      The yellow one has to hide in the cornerin a very tight spot at times now, although originaly it was not shy at all. Guess I'll try to get this "Blue" one back

      PS. Being new to the hobby I thought Angel Rams is just a common name for Blue Rams and some in the tank looked close to "normal" Blues.


      • #4
        Re: Both male rams (?) w/pic

        Rams are extremely sensitive and prefer soft water which show their best colors as most SA Dwarfs..A soft water planted tank is great for them ..

        Im not familiar with the butterfly version...are they smaller in body but have elongated fins? Whatever, sounds like a hybrid.

        Last weekend Fish Gallery had several ram sub species...German Blues a few Golds (as well as Bolivians). They are non hybrids. You could compare to yours for an idea.


        • #5
          Re: Both male rams (?) w/pic

          Mine looked "higher", but not "bloated" compared to regular ones (when I finaly looked at them. Suppose to be some selective breeding as I learned later.
          Blue one is back to store (in much more vivid color than the other onesthere).  Tank is planted. I mix RO/Tap as 3/2 and keep water @80F and fish seems like it alot. I have 8 glowlight tetras - they try to breed at least once a week (eggs get eaten right away - which is good)
          I don't thik coryes like temperature any higher.

          PS. I am thinking about 55gal, I think I need an upgrade  

