I have a female Blood Parrot that is laying eggs, does anyone know what mate I can put with her. Â I have herd that a convict would work, so I put a large male with her, but he does not seem to be doing his part.
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Blood Parrots
Re: Blood Parrots
It is true that the Blood Parrots  are hy-brids coming from possible the Red Devil/Severum or the Midas/Redhead cichlid.  And there have been reports for pairs of Blood Parrot breeding, but most are sterile, and finding a proven male might prove to be inpossible, or close to it.300 W/C Burundi
210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
210 F1 Moba
180 W/C Mpimbwe
180 F1 Burundi