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And so it begins

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  • #91
    I did a 20% WC this morning after I had lost most of the fish, and I replaced the carbon pack only and yes the fry were in the tank during the WC.

    Also, I was wondering if there was such as too much flow for newly stripped fry? It's almost like the flow from the little hob filter is too much for these little critters to deal with.


    • #92
      Maybe get a sponge filter... How old were the fry?
      Mentally Challenged

      My Flickr


      • #93
        Barely a day old... :|


        • #94
          Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
          Barely a day old... :|
          So you striped them from moms right away?
          Mentally Challenged

          My Flickr


          • #95
            Oh right. No, I stripped them yesterday when mom spit one out. No yolk sack on that one that I could see so I stripped her clean and they were all there without a yolk sac.


            • #96
              Well some fry just die that is nature... but maybe stripped to soon.. I am no expert just going off info I have been reading in books...
              Mentally Challenged

              My Flickr


              • #97
                Dude that is what I said in the previous page:

                Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                I'm still losing fry which leads me to think that I stripped the fry too soon. So the initial fry dying off overnight might have started the chain reaction.
                I agree. Let's see what the experts have to say.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                  Dude that is what I said in the previous page:

                  I agree. Let's see what the experts have to say.
                  lol i cant read
                  Mentally Challenged

                  My Flickr


                  • #99
                    Quick update on the 75 gal tang tank. Picked up 5 cyp moba and 5 cyp mpimbwe from cjvo2, and 8 caudopuncs, 6 hecquis, a sinodontis cat and a snowflake pleco from guywfish. Thanks guys for the great looking fish. Livestock is done for the time being and everything seems to be working well. Fish are content in the tank, not skittish or anything.



                    • The livestock list for the 75:

                      1 altolamprologus compressiceps gold head
                      3 neolamprologus multifasciatus
                      6 neolamprologus hecqui
                      8 neolamprologus caudopunctatus
                      5 cyprichromis leptosoma moba
                      5 cyprichromis leptosoma mpimbwe
                      1 snowflake plecostomus

                      The sinodontis cat is in the 125.


                      • Noticed that the FX5 was flowing slower than normal and micro bubbles were coming out of the outlet: time to clean. So while I was at it, I decided to ditch the stock ridged hose for some clear vinyl hose, and replace the outlet diffuser with regular PVC plumbing. The intake remained the same, but plumbed onto the smooth vinyl hose. All this was to help the efficiency of the FX5. While cleaning the filter, I ditched the blue fiber pad and I'm running ceramic cylinders on the bottom tray, bio-balls in the middle tray, and a bag of ammonia neutralizer (which will be ditched next cleaning for EHEIM substrat). The flow out of the single outlet is definitely stronger but I have no way of measuring real improvement overall.

                        That's my dominant male Regal Blue Peacock checking out the handiwork.


                        • So I swapped out my 75, which was pretty scratched up, to a 48" 100 gal tank yesterday. Running on just a wet/dry, it was pretty well cleared up by this morning. Photo time!



                          Left rock pile:

                          Right rock pile:




                          • Made an integrated overflow/spray bar for my 100 gal 4-footer hoping to clean up the inside of the tank a little bit more.

                            I'm holding it by the return line fitting. The spray bar is loose so that flow can be directed up/down as needed. Going to have a circulation pump on a timer to help rustle up debris into the stream so that most of it gets sent to the wet/dry.

                            If this works as well as I think it will, I'll make another one for the 125 gal.


                            • You really like PVC and spray paint.
                              Mentally Challenged

                              My Flickr


                              • Maybe I like tinkering If I had to buy stuff new every time I changed my mind it won't be a good thing.

