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Fin Rot on Blue Rams?

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  • Fin Rot on Blue Rams?


    My 55 gallon has been set-up for a week and fish in about 6 days. When i got my blue rams home I noticed some fin rot on them I was not surprised because they were crowded in their tank a the store. The 4 are very active and eat well and have established their territories and are even growing and getting more color. The fin rot has gotten better but should i treat it or just let it run its course.

    I have an external bio, mech, chem filter for 40-70 gallon tanks and have not done any water changes yet.

    What I think is fin rot is a white flaky appearance on the fins just on the blue rams.

  • #2
    if it is getting better, then i'd say leave it alone.
    If you want, you can dose a mild antibiotic such as melafix to help it along.
    But your house will smell like old people bengay for a week if you use melafix though....


    • #3
      Are you running carbon in your filter?
      Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


      • #4
        Yes i have carbon in the filter.


        • #5
          Take the Carbon out. Substitute it with Purigen. I was told a while back by Dan that some fish including rams don't responds well to carbon. Discus including. Just passing on something that i ran into in the Past
          Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


          • #6
            If your tanks only been set up for a week then it means your tank hasn't cycled yet?


            • #7
              Originally posted by DTony View Post
              If your tanks only been set up for a week then it means your tank hasn't cycled yet?
              You can't say that deffinatly. We don't know how big the tank is, the bioload. There are so many factors to say if a ts k is or is not cycled. I've set up large tanks with new media and put in fish minutes after with no problems. It all depends on the water volume and amount of fish
              For example I fill my 420g with water and new media and within a hour I put 22 4"+ petros in the tank with no issues. That amount of fish can't contaminate that amount of water
              Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


              • #8
                I think you should simply make sure they have clean water. But keep an eye on them. If it does not heal completely, then I would consider treating. Many times, like you said, fin rot can result from poor tank conditions and can go away quite quickly with a good, clean, healthy environment.

                Edit: Whoops, sorry. Didn't see that this was posted twice, so I answered before noticing the replies on the other thread.

                Any updates?
                Last edited by Mzungu; 07-11-2011, 10:23 AM.
                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jhenry View Post
                  You can't say that deffinatly. We don't know how big the tank is
                  op said 55g

                  North American Discus Association, Secretary (N.A.D.A.)
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                  Jester - S0S Crew Texas

