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Help ID this fish

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  • Help ID this fish

    A friend of mine in who lives in the Fallbrook/290 are has this in his tank. His stepdaughter caught it in the creek behind his house. What is it?

    And yes, he knows he needs to clean up his FX5 and the tank

  • #2
    blue gill?
    25g - Reef
    3.5g - Surge Tank
    10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


    • #3
      You know what, that might be it. Looks very much alike.


      • #4
        definitely a bluegill. they color up nicely in aquariums. they can be aggressive and will eat any small tankmates.


        • #5
          Thanks guys. I will let him know about this one. He does have other fish in there, that might be in mortal danger now


          • #6
            Looks more like a oreochromis to me, which is a huge growing tilapia from Africa, 18-30" full grown, if I had to take a guess I would say oreochromis mozan.biquies
            FRENCH FRY!!!

            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


            • #7
              That's not even close tater Bluegill, pretty sure the more I look at photos and articles.


              • #8
                Definitely a bluegill, and a pretty one at that. We used to catch 'em all the time in California when I was little... didn't know we had 'em here in Texas too!

                Tater... the oreochromis is far more beautiful than the local and humble bluegill.
                All bleeding stops eventually...


                • #9
                  I'm going to side with Tatertot on this one.

                  I've caught many a bluegill in my day.

                  The face and jaw and depth of body don't look like a blue gill to me.


                  • #10
                    Maybe its a crappy hybrid of some kind. But if its in a creek maybe someone re leased a non native species

                    sent from the kitchen
                    Chef~PIER 61 SEAFOOD

                    150G~discus and altums


                    • #11
                      What does it taste like?
                      Mentally Challenged

                      My Flickr


                      • #12
                        Chef, we need to keep it away from you, whatever it is, before you cook it up!
                        All bleeding stops eventually...


                        • #13
                          lol @ it being an Oreochromis mossambicus, which means someone had to release it into that creek, and then get caught on a hook/line by a fisherman. What are the chances of that happening? Slim. It doesn't even look like an Oreochromis...

                          It's much more likely a bluegill hybrid. It's well documented that they crossbreed with sunfish, crappie, and other variants of bluegill.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by alexrex20 View Post
                            lol @ it being an Oreochromis mossambicus, which means someone had to release it into that creek, and then get caught on a hook/line by a fisherman. What are the chances of that happening? Slim. It doesn't even look like an Oreochromis...

                            It's much more likely a bluegill hybrid. It's well documented that they crossbreed with sunfish, crappie, and other variants of bluegill.
                            Are you serious, tilapia have been in Houston waterways for years, they were introduced as a control species and went rampant, this is a well known fact they are pretty easy to find in most bayou around houston,but yeah its probably a blue ill, but maybe a quick Google search will make it make sense.
                            FRENCH FRY!!!

                            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                            • #15
                              This is funny. Tilapia are EVERYWHERE in Houston! Lakes, ponds, bayous, and it looks like aquariums
                              210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                              125g Mdoka White Lip

                              "Success is the willingness to fail"

