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MadMax's Aquarium Log

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  • MadMax's Aquarium Log

    Hey Guys and Gals,
    Recently I had a ten gallon tank. I all to quickly learned that size matters and to host the fish I wanted I would have to upgrade. It so happens my birthday was the other day a very special person knew what I wanted and got me something awesome. From this....

    P1000389 (768x1024).jpg

    to this....


    Its a 55 gallon and so far I have fish wise...
    • 3 Tiger Barbs
    • 2 Green Tiger Barbs
    • 1 Rainbow Shark
    • 1 Three Spot Gourami
    I used Home Depot river pebble gravel and saved a ton of money. Only $4.00 for a 50 pound bag. It was a little dirty but some washing cleaned them up nicely.

    Plant wise...
    • 1 Marimo ball
    • 1 Amazon sword
    Anyways I added all the old gravel from my ten gallon, plants, and fish. Also added old tank filter media to new filter.

    Does anybody have any suggestions or comments? Donations are welcome. (Plants/moss/driftwood)***
    Last edited by MadMax; 09-22-2011, 06:14 PM.

  • #2
    P1000398 (480x640).jpg
    Three Spot Gourami

    P1000401 (640x480).jpg
    Rainbow shark
    P1000402 (640x480).jpg
    Tiger Barbs


    • #3
      Update: Since I used old gravel/old filter media in addition to using Seachem Stability=

      Day1: 50ppm ammonia
      Day2: 50ppm ammonia
      Day3: 25ppm ammonia
      Day4: 0ppm ammonia

      Im still going to keep using the Stability for the full 7 days and I'll let you guys know whats up....


      • #4
        Stability is in my "medicine cabinet" too. Looks like things are looking good.


        • #5
          Howdy. Congrats on your new tank. My suggestion is to consider using a solid color back ground for your tank, maybe black or blue (which ever looks best to you). You can use the plastic film type stuff from the LFS, poster board in a pinch, or my favorite method, good old paint (on the outside of the tank of course). In my opinion all display tanks should have a background, unless it is a see from the front and back tank, a peninsula tank, an island tank or your last name happens to be Amano—lol.

          What is that velociraptor looking figurine that is also on the poster over the 10 gallon?
          While I'm not reef ready, I am salt ernate lifestyle curious...


          • #6
            Hey Guys thanks for checking out my thread...

            Well I was working on the background and decided to use butcher paper which is brown. Its cheap because it was free from my garage. I traced the outline from the front of the tank and cut it to shape.
            P1000407 (640x480).jpg
            Also found some petrified wood laying about my yard.
            P1000403 (640x480).jpgP1000404 (640x480).jpgP1000405 (640x480).jpg


            • #7
              P.S. The dinosaur was a toy I played with as a child maybe like 3rd grade. My mom is an artist and painted all my favorite toys and a few other objects. So the other day I went looking for the toy in my attic that was in the painting. Long story short the toy is my inspiration for my semi aggressive tank.


              • #8
                i remember when i got my first tank a couple years ago...6 at a steady 30, and 240 gallon...good job....good start too
                240 and 35 Cichlid tanks


                • #9
                  Thanks tunedis95!!!

                  Update:New powerhead!!!
                  I was using the bubbler from the ten gallon for the last week, in conjunction with a lower water level to allow the filter to aerate the water. This was not doing that great of a job, so I got a powerhead to move that water.


                  • #10
                    The new scape looks good!
                    All bleeding stops eventually...


                    • #11
                      Some Cryptocoryne retrospiralis would look good in there and I think it would do decent enough without you having to bump up the lighting or anything. Also Java Fern varieties and Anubias would be really easy to keep and make into a nice focal point. If you still need plants, we do swaps at our HAAPS meetings.
                      Last edited by davemonkey; 09-25-2011, 05:23 PM.
                      Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
                      Also follow us on Facebook and APC


                      • #12

