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question Hagen Fluval 200 Watt E-Series Electronic Aquarium Heater

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  • question Hagen Fluval 200 Watt E-Series Electronic Aquarium Heater

    Anyone using the above style heater? How does it preform and any recomendations? Need to get one for my 60 gallon tank for my Yellow labs and ACII

  • #2
    I like the ebo-jager(eheim)
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      +1 on ebo-jäger find them on amazon for reasonable prices

      Also, Houston Aquarium Warehouse has them locally at the right price


      • #4
        City Pets usually has them priced great too.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Originally posted by darinc View Post
          Anyone using the above style heater? How does it preform and any recomendations? Need to get one for my 60 gallon tank for my Yellow labs and ACII

          If you already have it, have it set at the desired temperature and it's on all the time, then something is wrong. You might need a stronger heater. This pretty much goes with any heater. I look at a couple of factors when purchasing a heater: wattage, how many gallons it is rated for, and the length of the heater. Ebo jäger gets you the most bang for your buck in my opinion.


          • #6
            looks like I need to get the Ebo Jager !!!! 200watt


            • #7
              Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
              City Pets usually has them priced great too.
              They are fair priced in a lot of their equipment. And, I like to support HAW because they are close to me.


              • #8
                I like HAW too but they are really far from me. I haven't been since they switched owners but I'm not bias, just can't name drop if I haven't been there personally.

                A lot of LFS around here are great whether it be livestock, hardware or just customer service.
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #9
                  Originally posted by darinc View Post
                  looks like I need to get the Ebo Jager !!!! 200watt
                  My opinion is go big or go home. You're fish might get sick and it's easier to raise the temperature with the correct heater.


                  • #10
                    I am up in the north side ....Spring Area

                    Thanks everyone for the suggestions that is why I come here!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rmalford View Post
                      My opinion is go big or go home. You're fish might get sick and it's easier to raise the temperature with the correct heater.
                      so the 200W is rated 40 - 75 gallons

                      30–45 gallons 150 watt
                      40–75 gallons 200 watt
                      55–100 gallons 300 watt
                      so with 60 gallons should I do 300 watt


                      • #12
                        300 should be good... always a rating to two higher imo. Indoor tanks give a lot of room for error though so either would work.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          I can't see why you shouldn't. It might be longer and you may have to set it in your tank slanted or horizontally.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by darinc View Post
                            I am up in the north side ....Spring Area

                            Thanks everyone for the suggestions that is why I come here!!
                            I usually don't give advice because I'm not good at it and pretty new to the hobby but hey I had a cocktail. Cheers


                            • #15
                              In this case I would not follow "go big or go home". I usually preach it but not with this.

                              As fast as it can work in your favor it can go the opposite way and wreak havoc if something were to malfunction.
                              700g Mini-Monster tank

