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Tank perimeter check help

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  • Tank perimeter check help

    So I just did a test on my Oscar tank and here are the results.

    No3- between 20-40ppm

    So what's going on here?

    Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G

  • #2
    Tank size?


    What change?

    Food load?

    Number of fish and fish size?

    Do you use feeders?
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #3
      Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
      Tank size?


      What change?

      Food load?

      Number of fish and fish size?

      Do you use feeders?
      A 30g sump with 1000gph,
      Water change about 5 days ago,
      Feed 3 Times a day, 4-6 pelets in morning, blood worms for lunch and meal worms for dinner,
      2-3" Oscars
      1-2" jack Dempsey
      1-12" pleco
      1-5" slider turtle.
      As in feeders what do you mean. Like feeder fish or auto feeders

      Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G


      • #4
        How big of a water change do you do?

        I mean feeder fish.

        What size tank?

        Have you tested your tap water?
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #5
          Oh, you're having a mini cycle. What did you recently add? When did you put that turtle in there? Those nitrItes are way too high, I'd do a 50% water change right away and get them down some. The bacteria that eats the nitrItes doesn't like it if the levels are like that. I think I'd be doing daily water changes until the bacteria can catch up. The ammonia eaters can respond to sudden increase in bioload pretty fast, but the second level support guys that eat nitrItes multiply way slower and take a while to catch up.
          DOWNSTAIRS display tanks:
          20g - 1 yellow Glowfish, 1 long-fin Danio and 3 Cherry Barbs
          37g - 3 Zebra Danios, 5 Red Serpae Tetras, Dwarf Flame Gourami and Red Tail Shark
          10g - single male Betta (daughters responsibility)
          UPSTAIRS research/quarantine tanks:
          10g - mosquitofish tank awaiting rebuild
          20g - heavily fake planted housing 8 Dwarf Gourami RIP Blue, Flame and unnamed
          20g - empty tank with beautiful black Tahitian moon sand
          10g - hospital sterilized and dry :-)
          5.5g - fry tank with mosquitofish born 1 Mar 2012


          • #6
            Ammonia spike by just guessing.

            Over feeding, decaying foods, dead fish, or just the turtle.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              I just dis a huge water change and everything is the same. I'm only worried about the no2

              Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G

