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55 gallon filter setup?

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  • 55 gallon filter setup?

    i am asking what you would i will be setting up an in between tank.....meaning i have a 20 long fry tank setup and a 210 gallon for colony....the 55 will be an in between tank....medium size fry will go into the 55 gallon to take load of new fry in the this is a cyp tank so would like to keep flow down as much as i can....was thinking about 2 ac 70s or maybe a eheim canister of sorts...main purpose is to keep water super clean with out putting out a ton of current....any ideas of what you would do...thanks mickey
    210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming

  • #2
    personally if it was me:

    2x eheim 2217 canisters with a diy 2ft spraybar made of 1/2" diameter schedule 80 pvc or any pvc really, ( i prefer sch. 80 cause its cleaner appearence wise) drilled with 1/8" holes an inch apart the entire length of the spraybar, when i did this on a 55g with red head tapajos eartheater fry, they could go anywhere in the tank without disturbance from overkill flow.
    the water stayed ridiulously clear and it kept the entire surface nicely aggitated.

    also purigen in each helped, as for bottom debris and dead spots i would do 1x koralia nano on each end aimed toward the bottom on a timer set at 4 hour intervals to come on for thirty minutes at a time.

    this shouldnt create much turbulence.
    k nano's pump 250 gph each and the eheims are ~265 each, however with media they probobly wont break 220gph.

    hope this is helpful.

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


    • #3
      The ACs and canister would work fine Mickey.

      But why no wet/dry? I would get the biggest sump that can fit under the tank and call it a day.

      If a wet/dry is not an option, then maybe 1 or 2 eheim 2217s. Also, I been running my eheims with no spray bar. Flow is really low while filtration levels are the same.
      I ate my fish that died.

