Re: Are you prepare for a hurricane?
I grew up in Galveston and I have seen my share of Hurricanes. Even been in the eye of one.
I have a used freon bottle that has been converted to compressed air. I use it to air brush, fill pool toys or bicycle tires. I fill it at the local gas station or with the battery powered air compressor I keep in the car to fill flats. All it takes is a couple of fittings to hook it up to the air header in my fish room.
I gather all the important papers & photos. in case I decide to leave at the last minute. Back up your computer files to disk or a free storage provider. Keep 1 car filled with gass & parked on high ground. in case I decide to leave at the last minute.
I fill a couple of 5g bottles with tap water incase the water plant gets contaminated or we have no water. I fill empty milk jugs with water and put them in the freezer. I fill the tub with water so that I have some to flush the comode. I can always get the 30g out of the water heater it I need it. You should have -BQ grill & brickets or a propane cooker (fill the propane tank). I cook with gas so cooking & steralizeing is not a problem.
I buy powdered milk, drink mixes, dry food that only needs water (beans, rice, pancake mix) & canned food. If the power goes out I cook all the meat in the refrigerator and when the freezer defrpsts, I cook all the meat in it. (Big BarBque) Cooked meat will last longer, jerky will last a forever. And I move the beer & ice to the Ice Chest.
Wish I had a laptop and battery powered TV, but the radio will have to do.
I go stir crazy if there is nothing to do and I can't get out of the house. So make sure you have a few books or puzzles to keep you occupied.
The loose stuff in a 100mph wind smashes windows and in general does a lot of impact damage so move all the loose stuff in your yard to your garage & put plywood over your windows or tape them with duct tape to prevent flying glass if they get smashed. Wash & dry all your towels. At 100mph the wind will drive the rain sideways and it will go around the edges of the glass windows and come in the house. And after everyone will want to go outside and come back in wet. And without AC you will sweat big time. Wish I had one of those little hand powered fans.
I grew up in Galveston and I have seen my share of Hurricanes. Even been in the eye of one.
I have a used freon bottle that has been converted to compressed air. I use it to air brush, fill pool toys or bicycle tires. I fill it at the local gas station or with the battery powered air compressor I keep in the car to fill flats. All it takes is a couple of fittings to hook it up to the air header in my fish room.
I gather all the important papers & photos. in case I decide to leave at the last minute. Back up your computer files to disk or a free storage provider. Keep 1 car filled with gass & parked on high ground. in case I decide to leave at the last minute.
I fill a couple of 5g bottles with tap water incase the water plant gets contaminated or we have no water. I fill empty milk jugs with water and put them in the freezer. I fill the tub with water so that I have some to flush the comode. I can always get the 30g out of the water heater it I need it. You should have -BQ grill & brickets or a propane cooker (fill the propane tank). I cook with gas so cooking & steralizeing is not a problem.
I buy powdered milk, drink mixes, dry food that only needs water (beans, rice, pancake mix) & canned food. If the power goes out I cook all the meat in the refrigerator and when the freezer defrpsts, I cook all the meat in it. (Big BarBque) Cooked meat will last longer, jerky will last a forever. And I move the beer & ice to the Ice Chest.
Wish I had a laptop and battery powered TV, but the radio will have to do.
I go stir crazy if there is nothing to do and I can't get out of the house. So make sure you have a few books or puzzles to keep you occupied.
The loose stuff in a 100mph wind smashes windows and in general does a lot of impact damage so move all the loose stuff in your yard to your garage & put plywood over your windows or tape them with duct tape to prevent flying glass if they get smashed. Wash & dry all your towels. At 100mph the wind will drive the rain sideways and it will go around the edges of the glass windows and come in the house. And after everyone will want to go outside and come back in wet. And without AC you will sweat big time. Wish I had one of those little hand powered fans.