Due to the generosity of one of our very own boxers, I finally have a big tank again! *cue sappy pitiful violin music*
It's a 105 gallon tall tank (48" x 18" x 30") with dark brown stand and canopy, drilled and eurobraced.
Filtration: for now, Eheim 2260 with peat moss, purigen, noodles, filter floss
Flow: Koralia 425 gph x 2
Lighting: fluorescent bulbs x 2 for now, will upgrade as soon as I recover from the fish cost
Substrate: PFS, Indian almond leaves
Plants: regular val, amazon swords, anubias; soon to have corkscrew val as well
For now, I've got about 25 rummy noses, 25 emperor tetras, and 6 sterbai corys for now. The larger fish, the 2 types of fish I'm showcasing, aren't yet in there. Stay tuned for a surprise!
Enjoy prelim pics and video of the schooling ak-shun! The purigen isn't yet in there so the water's a little cloudy. And please try to ignore the scratches like I do.
Little red nosie:
Hide and seek; where's waldo?
Tried to get awesome pics of the dominant male emperor but he wouldn't frikkin hold still!
More emperors:
Fish face:
Vid of rummies schooling sans large fish... can't wait to see what they do with predators in the tank!
It's a 105 gallon tall tank (48" x 18" x 30") with dark brown stand and canopy, drilled and eurobraced.
Filtration: for now, Eheim 2260 with peat moss, purigen, noodles, filter floss
Flow: Koralia 425 gph x 2
Lighting: fluorescent bulbs x 2 for now, will upgrade as soon as I recover from the fish cost
Substrate: PFS, Indian almond leaves
Plants: regular val, amazon swords, anubias; soon to have corkscrew val as well
For now, I've got about 25 rummy noses, 25 emperor tetras, and 6 sterbai corys for now. The larger fish, the 2 types of fish I'm showcasing, aren't yet in there. Stay tuned for a surprise!
Enjoy prelim pics and video of the schooling ak-shun! The purigen isn't yet in there so the water's a little cloudy. And please try to ignore the scratches like I do.
Little red nosie:
Hide and seek; where's waldo?
Tried to get awesome pics of the dominant male emperor but he wouldn't frikkin hold still!
More emperors:
Fish face:
Vid of rummies schooling sans large fish... can't wait to see what they do with predators in the tank!