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Anyone interested....SJAC...SE Group Gathering

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  • #31
    Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

    Originally posted by Hanson77";p="
    If we were going to be the LHA South.....why don't we just move the frequency of our normal LHA meeting to twice a on the north side of town and the other on the south side.  Then we could encompass folks from all over.....just a thought.
    Let's hear opinions about this guys.  

    I'm sure Scott was just jesting when he said that.  Scott, do you want to have club franchises under your club?  

    Personally I think most people living in this area would want a club that they can identify with where they live or at least near it.  If you want to be apart of a larger more structured group, then HAS would be what you are looking for.



    • #32
      Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

      Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
      This is cool....Maybe I should start a Northside club...then eventually someone will start a sugarland club....Like gangs forming to represent their fish.

      Rep yo hood!
      I like that.  Once a year all the gangs from North, South, East and West could meet for one big gathering.  Make it some kind of Fish event...or just a BBQ.



      • #33
        Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

        Well to save a bit of a mess I would like to suggest maybe moving the LHA meetings around a bit?
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #34
          Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

          This is starting to sound like the Warriors movie or something...

          Caann YYooouuu DDiiiiggg IITTt!!!

          ***looks around for Coke bottles***
          380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
          300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
          180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
          150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


          • #35
            Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

            Jeeeeeeezus. When I started the LHA, little did I realise that within a couple years there would be club wars going on. First splinter was the HLA, now the san jac, then the north side, katy and sugarland soon to follow I am sure, and then for all the dissafected why not a texas city club as well. Not that I care really, but wow, talk about getting out of control in a hurry. Pretty soon there will be 20 clubs with 3 members each. If, and this is a stipulation here, IF the northside club and the san jac club take off, there really wont be a need for the LHA anymore as one or the other could easily fill the needs of the LHA's current membership. Not that I am complaining, I am just thinking out loud.
            Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


            • #36
              Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

              We could have a gang meeting at scott's then someone from the Northside club will shoot Scott, blame the San Jac club and we will catch the "light Rail" to reliant park, and do battle with the Sugarland club on their way out of town, then we'll rumble with the Northside people at the Kemah Boardwalk...

              Warriors...come out to plaahayy..
              380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
              300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
              180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
              150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


              • #37
                Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                Sounds to me like the San Jacinto club will rule in the end.
                Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                Mod OF Marshreef

                Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                Coming soon Daphnia


                • #38
                  Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                  Raul has a van!
                  380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                  300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                  180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                  150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                  • #39
                    Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                    I think Geoff has watched "The Warriors" one too many times.  

                    I just think that if we move the meetings around from time to time or meet twice a month, we could encompass all the folks that live in different areas.  Just like we are meeting at Mike's this time, look how many more people are coming.  It's still an LHA meeting, just a lot more guests per say.


                    • #40
                      Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                      This is just my honest opinion, I'll state the facts first (please correct me if i'm wrong);

                      1-Scott formed LHA so that Fish hobbiest in his area would not have to travel far to hang out with like minded people.

                      2-For those of us that do travel far to the LHA meeting it is completly our choice.

                      3-If we hold LHA meetings in "MORE Centralized" locations it would defeats Scotts purpose in forming LHA. Which is why most of his meetings are in the area of Lake Houston, Humble, Kingwood, Huffsman.

                      The way I see it the LHA meetings are not localized enough for many of the people on this board. These are the possible outcomes with the pro's and cons of each outcome.

                      1-Scott decides to make LHA more mobile.
                      Pro- It will make it easier for some of the members to get to meetings and keeps most of HFB together.
                      Con-It would defeat Scotts LHA's Purpose.
                      Neu-The group would have to be more organized, and committees would have to be formed. HLA would grow with this option. And all of us can stick togeter.

                      2-LHA would remain unchanged, SJAS will be born along with many other areas of houson having their own group.
                      Pro-Everyone here will have a aquatic society close to them, less commute to a meeting, more choices in what group they want to be in.
                      Cons-Meetings will be smaller, with everyone being dispersed in different groups.
                      Neu-It would be harder to form bigger events unless groups works together, which would mean groups would have to work together. Thus, committees will have to be formed.

                      3-LHA would remain unchanged, and we form one organized group that would be centralized enough to cover most of Houston and surrounding areas.
                      Pro-It would keep most of HFB together, It would make it easier for members to come to the meetings, It would have less comotion without 5 differnt groups forming.
                      Con- Someone will always have to commute.
                      Neu-To organize this committees might have to be formed. But this option could work without one.

                      It seems to me that Raul just wants to form something to be a social thing for HFB members to just MEET GREET and HANGOUT. He is trying to find the best way of doing this. My main focus is that I would like to see most of this board in one meeting. Keeping most of us together is most important to me. I mean the commute is only once a month. The discussion on the boards about this issue is great Raul, I hope it will lead you in the right direction for our community. If you need anymore opinions from me let me know. I think we need more debating over this to see what the best way to do this is. However the outcome I just hope the HFB community can meet at the same time. The Bigger the meeting, the better to me.

                      And Raul, to answer your question, anyone or any group on HFB is always welcomed here. It seems like on Saturdays HFB members comes out here to hang out 4-6 people, but still fun. It looks to me like the unnofficial get ready for the big montly meeting days.

                      Resident BUM !!!


                      • #41
                        Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                        Mike I think you have summed it up very well.
                        We could do this like we are doing in the Texas net work.
                        The head of  it is F.O.T.O.S. They hold the main auction once a year with the cities having their own auction 2 to 3 times a year.
                        We could do this with meetings as well  . Having the person who heads of the social clubs being a member of the main club which I think the name being Houston Aquatic Clubs. Then we could hold 4 meetings with all the members each year.
                        Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                        Mod OF Marshreef

                        Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                        Coming soon Daphnia


                        • #42
                          Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                          Originally posted by SCOTT";p="
                          Jeeeeeeezus. When I started the LHA, little did I realise that within a couple years there would be club wars going on. First splinter was the HLA, now the san jac, then the north side, katy and sugarland soon to follow I am sure, and then for all the dissafected why not a texas city club as well. Not that I care really, but wow, talk about getting out of control in a hurry. Pretty soon there will be 20 clubs with 3 members each. If, and this is a stipulation here, IF the northside club and the san jac club take off, there really wont be a need for the LHA anymore as one or the other could easily fill the needs of the LHA's current membership. Not that I am complaining, I am just thinking out loud.
                          Not true Scott, I think there would always be a need for LHA.  Hanging out with you and everyone else is a great.  It is like a mini vacation for me...LOL.  I'm not trying to expand your club, never my intention.  

                          Guys, I'm not trying to divide the community...HFB does a great job of holding us together.  I'm thinking along the lines of what Ek suggested, just taking it a step further and sticking a name on it.  There should be no pressure for members to worry about.  If you are like me, I can't wait till the next meeting comes around.  Heck, I hang out with a few of you already on a regular basis, just making it a group is all.

                          I'm not trying to accomodate everyone in Houston, just my area.  I still plan to be apart of LHA, and might attend another groups meeting.  That's just me.  



                          • #43
                            Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                            what about just having a HFB club, where someone hosts a monthly meeting, and thsoe can come will, and those that come may have to cross town, or they may just have to go around the block.

                            This way there is no agenda conflicts with any other club HAS, HLA, or whatever..

                            Its just people who like this forum.
                            380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                            300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                            180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                            150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                            • #44
                              Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                              Raul I dont think people were really thinking you were trying to separate anyone. Its just they way people went with it. You have a good ideal with meeting on this side of town. I know when I use to go visit with Scott & all of them. At times it was a bit of trouble for me when I had to work late. I am sure other people on the ES has the the same type of problem with getting there to late.
                              This is just allowing more people to meet with each other but in smaller groups. But we could all meet 3 to 4 times a year as one large group.

                              Its like the old saying goes bird of the same feather will flock together. This is poking fun at Mike with the beak.  
                              Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                              Mod OF Marshreef

                              Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                              Coming soon Daphnia


                              • #45
                                Re: Anyone interested....San Jacinto Aquatic Society?

                                Originally posted by geoff_tropheus";p="
                                what about just having a HFB club, where someone hosts a monthly meeting, and thsoe can come will, and those that come may have to cross town, or they may just have to go around the block.

                                This way there is no agenda conflicts with any other club HAS, HLA, or whatever..

                                Its just people who like this forum.
                                That sounds great, but maybe like what Ek and Delock said.  Someone just shoot out a message...Lets go to "LFS" on such and such day and whoever wants to go, goes.  HAS is already here and in place, why compete with it by making a HFB club.  

                                When I started this thread, I didn't think it would run away as it has.  I don't want to cloud it up with politics, just who wants to meet and we'll meet.

                                I'm pretty sure that I'm doing this regardless and whoever wants to come, please do so.  

                                For those interested, pls forward your email address to me with Phone #.



