Ok so I scored this like new Oceanic 30g long with stand for free right.....at first I got it just to have till I decide what to do with but so many things have came up since then.....
Initially I thought I would use it for an upgrade from my NanoReef tank so that I could get some of the cooler/bigger fish and possibly some harder to keep corals but lately I am not feeling the SW thing.
Then I thought well I could do a community tank....tetras, guppies, gourami's, cories etc.....but as an avid hobbyist I want something that will reporduce!
So then I thought well....shrimp tank..only problem is that is gonna be one big ole shrimp tank so I ditched that idea and will be doing a shrimp rack instead to breed some rare/expensive shrimp so that I can offer them for cheap and kill the market some...
I would like a Discus tank after being ruined by Walter and the HLA auction but I would feel guilty keeping them in there.
Another idea I had was to build a Rockdweller species only tank...I have some Juli.Marlieri that would be cool in the tank if they were to breed and such but not too sure about this one....there is also the option of cyprichromis which I think are cool too.
There is also the infatuation with Apisto's that I can restart with this tank which would be uber nice but they hide too much and think I could later on set up a smaller tank to better control their tank for breeding.
There was an idea of using it as a fry grow out tank or nursery but IMO the tank is way too nice for that and now that Mike has nice partitioned and drilled tanks for sale I find that a better option for this purpose.....
Sooo at a lost I turn to my fellow box members for opinions on what to keep in here....I tried asking the fiance and she said goldfish....which I prefer not to talk about cause I don't like goldfish......
Don't wanna sell it since it was a super steal of a deal and it's already in the house so there's no trouble with having to explain why I need another tank.
Initially I thought I would use it for an upgrade from my NanoReef tank so that I could get some of the cooler/bigger fish and possibly some harder to keep corals but lately I am not feeling the SW thing.
Then I thought well I could do a community tank....tetras, guppies, gourami's, cories etc.....but as an avid hobbyist I want something that will reporduce!
So then I thought well....shrimp tank..only problem is that is gonna be one big ole shrimp tank so I ditched that idea and will be doing a shrimp rack instead to breed some rare/expensive shrimp so that I can offer them for cheap and kill the market some...
I would like a Discus tank after being ruined by Walter and the HLA auction but I would feel guilty keeping them in there.
Another idea I had was to build a Rockdweller species only tank...I have some Juli.Marlieri that would be cool in the tank if they were to breed and such but not too sure about this one....there is also the option of cyprichromis which I think are cool too.
There is also the infatuation with Apisto's that I can restart with this tank which would be uber nice but they hide too much and think I could later on set up a smaller tank to better control their tank for breeding.
There was an idea of using it as a fry grow out tank or nursery but IMO the tank is way too nice for that and now that Mike has nice partitioned and drilled tanks for sale I find that a better option for this purpose.....
Sooo at a lost I turn to my fellow box members for opinions on what to keep in here....I tried asking the fiance and she said goldfish....which I prefer not to talk about cause I don't like goldfish......
Don't wanna sell it since it was a super steal of a deal and it's already in the house so there's no trouble with having to explain why I need another tank.