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Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

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  • Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

    Ok so I scored this like new Oceanic 30g long with stand for free first I got it just to have till I decide what to do with but so many things have came up since then.....

    Initially I thought I would use it for an upgrade from my NanoReef tank so that I could get some of the cooler/bigger fish and possibly some harder to keep corals but lately I am not feeling the SW thing.

    Then I thought well I could do a community tank....tetras, guppies, gourami's, cories etc.....but as an avid hobbyist I want something that will reporduce!

    So then I thought well....shrimp tank..only problem is that is gonna be one big ole shrimp tank so I ditched that idea and will be doing a shrimp rack instead to breed some rare/expensive shrimp so that I can offer them for cheap and kill the market some...

    I would like a Discus tank after being ruined by Walter and the HLA auction but I would feel guilty keeping them in there.

    Another idea I had was to build a Rockdweller species only tank...I have some Juli.Marlieri that would be cool in the tank if they were to breed and such but not too sure about this one....there is also the option of cyprichromis which I think are cool too.

    There is also the infatuation with Apisto's that I can restart with this tank which would be uber nice but they hide too much and think I could later on set up a smaller tank to better control their tank for breeding.

    There was an idea of using it as a fry grow out tank or nursery but IMO the tank is way too nice for that and now that Mike has nice partitioned and drilled tanks for sale I find that a better option for this purpose.....

    Sooo at a lost I turn to my fellow box members for opinions on what to keep in here....I tried asking the fiance and she said goldfish....which I prefer not to talk about cause I don't like goldfish......

    Don't wanna sell it since it was a super steal of a deal and it's already in the house so there's no trouble with having to explain why I need another tank.
    700g Mini-Monster tank

  • #2
    Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

    Hmmm, I did also just score like 80 turbo shells today..... :?
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

      Hey ek! You could use it for your guppy project and use the 10g for the shrimp... Maybe put some cool plants in there or somethin'...



      • #4
        Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

        Well I would rather get more 10g's for the guppies if I needed it cause it would be easier to net fish/fry in and with the shrimp I am going with a bunch of 5.5g tanks cause I found the awesome glass encased stand I can use for them.

        Thanks for the input though....
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

          No prob! I really like guppies and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of your tanks! Good luck with whatever you decide on your 30g though! Be sure to post pics once you have it set up with whatever you do!



          • #6
            Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

            Well, I have often thought of trying to emulate Armthehomeless's yellow lab tank. That hex with the "colony" of yellow labs, was probably one of the most impressive setup's I have seen since I got into tanks again.

            Maybe you should give some thought of dedicating it to a single species and doing something like that?

            Just an idea.....for what it's worth.


   still haven't told me where those trophs are yet...... :P
            Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


            • #7
              Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

              You could use it for some of those $10 Mollies..........
              So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


              • #8
                Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                How about another planted tank!!!!!!!!!! :rockon:
                Checkout my blog AquaMusing


                • #9
                  Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                  i vote for a planted tank with one or two nanoish species that can reproduce

                  the next best in my opinion is "Rockdweller species only tank"
                  65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                  55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                  30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                  live and let live


                  • #10
                    Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                    Originally posted by CichlidFan";p="
                    Well, I have often thought of trying to emulate Armthehomeless's yellow lab tank. That hex with the "colony" of yellow labs, was probably one of the most impressive setup's I have seen since I got into tanks again.  
                    CF I have had the same thought there.. but for that I was thinking of getting of the 90 degree corner tank, and do something like that.. but then again I dont want to feel like I am a copy cat.. I was thinking of putting something besides Labs in them, something like Electric Blue's or something like peacocks.

                    Ek - Finished the canopy for the planted tank, I got a TON of plants from Armthehomeless today so I will take pictures soon so you can see what we did.

                    What fish do Jesper have
                    180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                    Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                    58 S. Decorus

                    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                    • #11
                      Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                      The trophs are right under you nose CF!

                      I thought about another planted tank but I have one too many of those. I still have to rescape my other 30g and get my Mini-M ready for next years AGA contest.

                      As for Labs..... I grew up trying to mass produce those and convicts so I have had my fair share of those. I would like to go with a cichlid sp since I think they are the best! Might try and go for some featherfins or sandsifters from lake tang.

                      Mollies will be in the tank if it becomes a community tank but probably none of the $10 ones cause that was too rich for my blood. I love swordtails....always have since I was a youngin.

                      The cichlid theme or rockdweller is up on the lead right now....kinda limiting though since it is only 30gallons.
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #12
                        Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                        Try breeding some SW clowns in it.
                        For what I hear that is a challenge.
                        Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                        Mod OF Marshreef

                        Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                        Coming soon Daphnia


                        • #13
                          Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                          maybe bumble bee goby?
                          65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                          55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                          30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                          live and let live


                          • #14
                            Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                            That was the plan till I really thought about it....I was gonna go with a pair/trio of black onyx clowns and a few RedBubbleTipAnenome's but I'm not too sure I like SW. TheKarens was successful with breeding them and like a fool I didn't pick any up when they were they are sold to FishGallery and like all their other SW fish they are slowly dieing off or dead already.
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #15
                              Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?


                              You could make it a mixed Peacock show tank.  I have a custom 46g Eheim tank with mostly peacocks.  

                              Sunshine Peacock - Male
                              Orange Peacock - Male
                              Iceburg Electric Blue - Male
                              Demansoni Male and Female
                              Kenyi - Male and Female
                              Hybrid Peacock - Male
                              Yellow Labs

                              Or you could keep 2-4 nice Angels.

                              What about Brichardi or Daffodils?

                              Just some ideas.


