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Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

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  • #16
    Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

    What about one Petro?


    • #17
      Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

      I have had bumble bee gobies and for a smaller tank it would look nice but I really didn't like them that much.

      Raul, I was thinking Malawi's or peacocks...actually thought about those blood dragons you have....that would be cool to breed those babies. Angels are cool too but I would rather have discus instead.

      With the Brichardi's/Daffodilis I think everyone has burnt them out for me....I have two friends with hundreds in their 75g and then there is my cousin who is running the Daffodils and of course all of you guys so I would like to get something other then that.

      One Petro Raul? A fish that I know would look incredible in a colony in the teens+ and I keep just a singlton? Raul you and I know better then that...1 Troph/petro leads to $kkkk's spent later on to source more and tanks and etc.....then there's the fiance  8O  :!:
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #18
        Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

        I'm talking about the ones that get around 10-12 inches....that is why I said only one... :)   I figure the one will be expensive enough to acquire and to feed.

        Saw some nice ones when I was at Alex's shop a while back.  I don't remember which ones they were though.  



        • #19
          Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

          You could try a Buffalo head cichlid or two
          So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


          • #20
            Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

            there are so many options you could do. I am not sure what i would do with the tank. whether its a dedicated plant tank or not i would still have them in there, even if it is just some simple ones that dont need anything special. You could try to breed some cool plecos but since you stopped the zebra pleco project you might not be interested in that. You have had soo much succes with your Multis that I thought you might try another, harder shell dweller, i dont know all of them but there are some interesting ones. I wouldntdo Cyps cus they like lots of swimming room and larger groups. but maybe some juli ornatas or whatever they are called, (cus they get like 3 inches) or maybe some really cool Killifish,  or a rair livebearer group. any of those would do great in that size tank. Or you might be able to do Killies and the swelldwellers, or livebearers and shellies, as long as you have some floating plants and such. i KNOW you got lots of Moss  
            Never fear I is here
            David Abeles
            Vice President
            Greater Houston Aquarium Club


            • #21
              Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

              Ek if you do go with discus a 30 gallon would work for about 6 months with only 3 to 4 in it.
              Also it is easier to have it as a bare bottom tank.

              I got some of Karens clowns last year one died & still have 3 of them in my 30 cube with a few of fish.
              Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
              Mod OF Marshreef

              Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
              Coming soon Daphnia


              • #22
                Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                Originally posted by rrocket2002";p="
                I'm talking about the ones that get around 10-12 inches....that is why I said only one... :)   I figure the one will be expensive enough to acquire and to feed.

                Saw some nice ones when I was at Alex's shop a while back.  I don't remember which ones they were though.  


                I saw them and wanted to try room.... red fin longola and Moshi.....absolutely beautiful!!!

                I don't wanna do plecos and if I do they will be more zebras but the 20g long would have worked for that and htey never really come out so it would be a empty 30g. I think Juli's are gonna be cool...I have Marlieri already so I will work on those if I do....Really thought about Killies cause they are cool! I have a trio of Clown Killies right now and noticed the ones that Mike got in too!

                Walter, Kinda the whole reason for not going with the Discus....maybe a breeder tank for a pair? I saw a nice breeder pair of something over at Fish Gallery that got me thinking about it...not buying it from them though. Have the 3 clowns grouped yet? morph or whatever you want to call it? You wouldn't want to get rid of them now would you?
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #23
                  Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                  Not yet on the those clowns. Two of them stay together. The 3rd one is still a bit smaller & stays by his self most of the time.
                  I might be willing to sell my Maroon Clowns. The female is huge. At least double the size of the male.
                  Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                  Mod OF Marshreef

                  Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                  Coming soon Daphnia


                  • #24
                    Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                    I think True percs look better then maroon clowns...
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #25
                      Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                      I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

                      I like all the clowns.
                      Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                      Mod OF Marshreef

                      Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                      Coming soon Daphnia


                      • #26
                        Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                        I like the maroon clowns too but there are others that I think are obtainable that I would like more....

                        Here is how my list goes....

                        Picasso percs
                        snowflake percs (don't know why but after looking at them for a long time it grows on you)
                        Black onyx
                        black white
                        True percs
                        naked clowns
                        saddled or is that one the same as clarkii....

                        Tamatos look ugly in my opinion.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #27
                          Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                          saddled or is that one the same as clarkii.
                          It is the same.

                          I like the Picasso best to but I will wait for the price to drop before I get any.
                          Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                          Mod OF Marshreef

                          Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                          Coming soon Daphnia


                          • #28
                            Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                            Yeah but for something that doesn't occur with the assistance of man it's hard to tell when the price will drop.
                            700g Mini-Monster tank


                            • #29
                              Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                              Once the market is flooded with them it will.
                              But that will be years to come.
                              I just cant see spending $300.00 + for them.
                              If I could ever hit the lotto I would.
                              Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                              Mod OF Marshreef

                              Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                              Coming soon Daphnia


                              • #30
                                Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                       me a pair when you hit the lotto.
                                700g Mini-Monster tank

