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Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

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  • #61
    Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

    Re-filled the tank with water in it's location in the house and set up the filter on the tank.

    I initially planned on using filter sand for the substrate but after some thinking I think the tiny natural color substrate would look much better but some more thinking got me wanting ADA bright sand for it which is between sand and the tiny 2-3mm natural gravel.

    Tank will have some plants in it...mainly moss, java fern and anubias nana petite. Stocking right now will be livebearers and some others .....kinda like my "everything goes" tank.

    Filtration is being handled with an Eheim 2217 which is a monster compared to all the 2213's and 2211/2011's I have running around the house. Packed it full of eheim substrat media and some fresh filter padding. I might have to take the spray bar out and drill the holes bigger since the tiny holes that are in it is causing the tank to kinda whirlpool... 8O

    I will be looking for either a 36" T5 with 10,000k/Freshwater bulbs or a dual daylight coralife PC fixture for this baby so if anyone has one or knows of one for sale let me know.

    Hopefully I can get out and get the Bright sand tomorrow but if not it will be done next weekend.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #62
      Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

      Sounds like its going to be a nice tank.  

      I was thinking about your water flow problem through your spray bar.  I was thinking of two things to try besides making the original holes bigger.

      1) Drill another set, maybe at a 45 degree angle from the original ones.  You could adjust the spray bar so the water flow is directed to both the upper and lower regions of your tank.  

      2) Purchase a "T" and/or an "Angle Joint" along with another spray bar and spread the flow that way.



      • #63
        Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

        Man Raul you are a genius!

        I think I'm gonna do the 45deg holes.....that would increase my water circulation throughout the tank by 2folds!!!!! I don't like the "T" idea...the less junk in the tank the better IMO. I was planning on sumping this tank but with the livebearers possibly making it into the overflow and the sump not fitting into the stand changed my mind.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #64
          Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

          I'm glad one of my suggestions helped.  Yea, drilling the extra set should give you plenty of circulation and not blow your plants around like they are in a Hurricane.

          BTW, thanks for the filter cartridges.  Much appreciated!



          • #65
            Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

            No problem Raul.....I was not going to use them and actually have no use for them so why not let some one who can use them have it?

            The flow should be perfect with the extra set of holes.....I wasn't worried about the plants since it will just be ferns/mosses and moss tends to look better in higher flow but more worried about the guppies which like to sit at the top of the tank....didn't want them to die of stress since they have massive tails and can barely swim as it is.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #66
              Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

              When I had guppies, they were all over the tank...upper, middle and bottom.  



              • #67
                Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                Yeah mine are doing that too in the 10g...figured they would change a bit in the bigger 30g.

                I was thinking that the tank would make a perfect cichlid tank as it sits.....
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #68
                  Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                  LOL....unsure again of what to put in the tank?

                  Just put some Demansoni, Corys, Dwarf Petro Catfish.  Rams?



                  • #69
                    Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                    Too many fish not enough tanks.....I'm sure you can relate to that Raul.

                    I think I'm gonna do the community tank....when I first started the hobby a 30g long o'dell was my first non 10g tank I got from my pops.....if you only imagined what I had in there!

                    Congo tetra, kuhli's, black mollies, sunset mollies, yellow labs, red rainbowfish, plecos, albino corries, betta, tiger barbs, green tiger barbs, female bettas and I'm sure I'm missing a few.

                    Anything I could afford on a lunch money budget went in the prized possession was the congo tetra which set me back $ that thing was expensive!
                    700g Mini-Monster tank


                    • #70
                      Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?

                      I say just drain it. Set it in the living room & imagine all those fish in it at the same time & getting along.
                      Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
                      Mod OF Marshreef

                      Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
                      Coming soon Daphnia


                      • #71
                        Re: Decisions Decisions.....what to do?


                        there was two tanks in the dining room empty.....used as visual aid to "imagine" peaceful and jam packed with fish. Sometimes you gotta make things happen walter...
                        700g Mini-Monster tank

