Driftwood looks great... and the rocks too. Where is a good place to get driftwood and rocks like this? I'm hoping to be setting up a new aquarium in about a month.
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Sunkenmetal’s ADA Stream Tank Journal Updated 7/1/2012
3200G - Koi pond with planted bog pond
675G - Black Arowana, Giant Gourami, Silver Dollars, Mono Sebae, Geo Surinamensis, Nicaraguense, Tinfoil Barbs, Balas, Roselines
300G - Discus, Angels, Surinamensis, Keyhole Cichlids, Rainbow Cichlids, Black Ghost, Tetras, Corys
300G - Severums, Fesitvum, Chocolate, Brasiliensis, Electric Blue Acaras, Rainbows, Filament Barbs, Silver Arowana (grow out)
200G - African Cichlids (Malawi)
75G - African Cichlids (Malawi) grow out
65G - Green Terrors, Monos (grow out) - not sure what to do with this aquarium