Has anyone kept Sheepshead Minnows in completely freshwater?
I have kept them before in brackish, and I have heard that they can live in full salt, but will they do well in completely freshwater? I am thinking of putting some in a planted tank. They are showing beautiful colors this year and I think they would look good against a planted background.
They are showing their breeding colored and look like a mix of emerald and turquoise with black trim.
I have never seen them so colorful.
Shame that this is primarily a baitfish
I have kept them before in brackish, and I have heard that they can live in full salt, but will they do well in completely freshwater? I am thinking of putting some in a planted tank. They are showing beautiful colors this year and I think they would look good against a planted background.
They are showing their breeding colored and look like a mix of emerald and turquoise with black trim.
I have never seen them so colorful.
Shame that this is primarily a baitfish